Prometheus/Pandora's Box

by VIRON in Circuits > Microcontrollers

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Prometheus/Pandora's Box

Some of you monkeys out there think you can PWN me. You need to be Spanked.
Here is an obfuscated ultraminimalized Monolith for you.
It is enlightening and harmless, except to the devil, who really hates it, because I'm letting you have it (for "free").

You're curious. So Make it, if you have tools.


This is easy.
You need:
-a PIC12C508 or 509 or anything compatible or be able to translate to what you have.
-an assembler and burner for your PIC
-a 78L05 voltage regulator which looks like a small transistor
-a dead 9 volt battery to rip the plus and minus terminals out of
-a new alkaline 9 volts battery
-some 20-ish gauge wire...
-a really stupid antenna which may be made out of the wire and hangers and aluminum foil,
so pretend to pretend you don't know a thing about making an antenna and make something that looks like one.
-A shortwave radio. A guitar amp will also be interesting, but definitely find the radio first.
-The CODE i am giving you to put in the PIC.

sorry this was too easy to make so I show the parts all together. You don't need the blue ship light.

If you don't have the right PIC, recoding just involves choosing different registers and a different port.


Note: Burn the clock fuse any way you like, but first time now use the internal oscillator. It is not in the code.
Note: replace "(spaces)" with spaces. (problems making columns)

LIST p=12C508
start movlw 0Eh
(spaces)tris 6
loop incfsz 08
(spaces)incf 09
(spaces)btfss 3,2
(spaces)goto skipy
(spaces)incfsz 0ah
(spaces)incf 0bh
skipy movf 8,w
(spaces)andwf 0ah,w
(spaces)movwf 0ch
(spaces)movf 9,w
(spaces)andwf 0bh,w
(spaces)iorwf 0ch,w
(spaces)bcf 6,0
(spaces)btfsc 3,2
(spaces)bsf 6,0
(spaces)goto loop

Burn (program) it now. Ignore this binary because it's just for show.

Schematic- Build on a Breadboard

If it does nothing you can try again.
Of course you won't know if it's working yet.

Prepare your antenna. Unroll up to 3 meters or 10 feet of wire.
Wrap it around an umbrella like E.T. phones home.

Notice that a transistor-looking 78L05 has it's pins reversed compared to a bigger 7805
and also that the upper right corner of the PIC12C508 is negative ground,
not positive Vcc like on many chips.

My browser is putting an icon on top of the antenna so if that's what you see then
the third wire used on the PIC that goes away from the circuit is the antenna wire.

After You Peeked Ahead to See It All, and Tested It, Make It.

See drawing. Looks so similar to schematic why make 2 drawings?

Notice that facing the flat part of the 78L05 with writing on it that
the pins are in backwards order compared to a 7805.

Gob up the antenna wire pin with hot glue so it doesn't break the pin off the chip.

Put It on the 9 Volt Battery

Don't be an idiot that reverses the polarity.

Use It

With the thing on the battery, put it near the radio's aerial and turn on the radio and
tune thru the shortwave bands for weird stuff and try to figure out what we are doing here.

I am not going to tell you now.
A lot of things are happening,
some of which I don't fully understand.

If you are in the dangerous club,
connect this to a "real" antenna (such as for old TV's),
and let this thing go until the battery dies.
Let me know what happens.
I don't want to hear about getting busted by the FCC, that's too obvious.
I mean like it's 1900 and you just met Nikola Tesla and he took you to his lab
and showed you his favorite experiments, that kind of stuff.

At the very least you will hear lots of endless beautiful or terribly awful strange noises on the radio.

I will not list all the freaky things that happened whenever I ran this for more than 24 hours.

It makes no difference whether the radio is on, so turn it off to remove insanity factor from the experiment.

For best results with an amplifier, connect your antenna to an ungrounded input,
either "phono" or "guitar", and turn up the bass and do whatever you want with the volume.
The noise is public domain like the sun wind and rain, so feel free to sample it for artistic purposes.

If you can't build this, don't worry, I think I may soon add alternative ways to get the same result.

Miscellaneous Facts

This thing, this kind of thing, was invented and developed since 1980.

In 1981 or thereabouts, a more interesting version less than twice the length in code
was distributed on TRS-80 CoCo, Dragon, Apple II, and ATARI 400.
That version had more controls over the effect, and generated interesting video graphics as well.

Since 1995, maybe a hundred programmers have tried,
but no one has succeeded in reproducing the results on a PC.
As of now, the only audiovisualization of this effect on a PC is a video file made with the old computers.

On occasion, variations on these have been built and sold as independent devices.
Below is a picture of a more advanced one that I've had for a long time.

For a particular reason, there was no known practical use for these in 1980,
but uses for this technology in general have been obvious to many since 2000.

A certain search engine has removed the name of these devices from it's searchable database.

Stephen Wolfram is my only peer in the field relating to these devices.

I am indeed having a delusion of grandeur at the moment.
Kind of like when a dictator shows off his bomb.
And i see you saying, yeah, haha, that's a bomb of a joke alright!

Well if you make it, and you just don't "get it", then give it to someone who does.

Here's Where - I Spill the Beans.

Regarding my own interest in this project:
1.It began in my youth when I assumed a "synthesizer"
was a radio-like computer that CREATED endless music.
2.It is a rainman-like interpretation of remnants of
ancient knowledge, involving patterns and meanings
seen in it. This instructable is a deliberately
simplified unit. Some of the names given to it are
arbitratry and also seem to be censored.
3.Around 1980 it was first called a "synthesizer" and
later called "intergalactic radio" or something similar.
4.It is now interesting as a source of all sound,
possible in the past or future, the set of all sound
having been calculated to be absolutely and reasonably
FINITE. (!!!) :) And not only sound but the set of
all things knowable as "information".

But a simple free source of sounds is obviously more
useful than it was at the beginning of this technology.

Many simple arithmetic, logic, analogical, and mechanical
methods have been found in the research involved.

Related things:
-Stephen Wolfram:A New Kind of Science
(on extremes in complex output of simple programs)
-Demoscene programming coding techniques
-Pythagoras:Musical numbers,Tetrakis,Pythagorean theorem
-Musical Number Theory
-Fourier Analysis and transformations which remove Time,
with this example referring to Frequency Domain DSP and FFTs.
-Analog synthesis, as in Moog Synthesizers
-Video Game sound synthesis experience
-Speech synthesis, analysis
-Virtual Reality
-Ambiguous State Studies (self-contradicting machines)
-The Law of Unintended Consequences
-Works of R. Buckminster Fuller
-Pi, SQRT(2), and 60,499,999,499/49,050,000,000
-Reverse enginneering of the Fisher Price PXL-2000 Camcorder
-Mozart:Composing with dice
-Chaos Game with ordered data
-Berlekamp-Massey Algorithm and polynomial counters
-Unexpected audiovisual output with long division
-Anomalous effects observed with monopolar impulses
-Homebrew Computer Clubs
-Real development of technology originally imagined to be "from
the planet VIRON" in personal scifi.
-Music Theory
-Studies involving electrical transmission of images (TV signal)
-Compression (in general)
-Predictable Matrices (such as Multiplication Table)
-General recreational mathematics
-and much more which at this moment I may not recall
...more beans may be forthcoming.

This instructable is a demonstration of a technology which
is as hard to understand and believe as the use of the internet
as it is today, if it were described to the public in 1974,
as in fact it was -

No claims are made that...
The schematic(s) provided for making the
instructable project will be useful
for synthesizing "all human knowledge"
as the unnamed general project in progress aims
to do with technology of similarly low complexity.

The current state of the project allows searching
intangible mathematical spaces such as fractals
for data. The significant functions are:

1.Find known data. Similar to "recording" or "storage"
except the data wa already there before I composed it
and searched for it (in the fractal).
2.Retrieve Data. Instantly recall the data found for
"storage" purposes previously in Function 1.
3.Retrieve Data indexed by "Time". This is equivalent
to streaming from an intangible hard drive.
Explanation for dummies:
This is a Magic Invisible Hard Drive with Everything on it.

(This page did not allow uploading of an image at this time)

911 2001 a Space Odyssey

This still looks quite bizarre at the world trade center...