Pull Back Dragster

I made a pullback dragster because I wanted to participate in the kids craft competition

1, Hot glue gun with glue
2, Cardboard
3, 2 Big plastic jar lids 2 small plastic jar lids
4, 2 Straight sticks
5, Straw
6, Marker
7, Scissors
8, Ruler
9, rubber band
10, play dough
11, sticky tape

Cut the base piece of cardboard to shape. I cut mine 9cm by 25cm. You need to cut a chunk out the top like in the picture
then draw the shape you want to make on another piece of cardboard this will be the top is the dragster.
cut slits across the bottom of the shaped piece of cardboard this is to attach it to the base.

Glue the top piece of cardboard to the base piece of cardboard
you may need sticky tape to hold it down.

Glue a straw across the bottom at the front and glue 2 small pieces of straw at the back like in the picture
stab a hole in the centre of the plastic jar lids with scissors.
you might need the help of an adult to do this

Glue 1 lid on the end of 1 stick. Make sure that the stick is straight.

When the lid is glued on one end put the stick through the straws on the bottom.

Put the 2 other lids on on a block of play dough then put the sticks through the hole
then glue the lid to the stick.
if you use a hot glue gun to glue it on it will be faster to dry and will be stronger .

When the wheels dry cut a bent shape in the top piece of cardboard like in the picture

Put a small rubber in the cut at the back.

Sticky tape the rubber band to the stick in the middle.

Now your dragster is done! Pull it back and away it will go