Machine Learning Crawler Robot Using Reinforcement Learning, Neural Net and Q-Learning

by JimRD in Circuits > Robots

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Machine Learning Crawler Robot Using Reinforcement Learning, Neural Net and Q-Learning

Reinforcement Learning Crawler Version 1
Crawling Robot Simple Reinforcement Machine Learning (Arduino code available)
Q-learning (machine learning) crawler robot (Arduino code available)
Crawling Robot Using Neural Net (Arduino code available)

This simple crawling robot uses and Arduino Uno and two micro-servos to learn how to move.

In the first video I use a reinforcement learning algorithm to randomly choose arm two arm positions. After moving from one position to the next, the distance moved is stored. After the training is over, the arm positions which produce the greatest movement are repeated several times to show what it has learned. The program is quite simple in operation but better than the following video which shows the Q-learning algorithm being used. Unfortunately, the Q-learning is a poor fit for this robot. It relies on moving only from one neighboring arm position to the next neighboring one. And it cheats by always starting from the highest arm position.

The Q-learning algorithm was taken from this website:

You will need to use Google translate, if you don't know Spanish, to understand the website. It includes a link to a nice introductory example of Q-learning if you don't already understand this machine learning algorithm.

I modified the code and commented the code and include it here.

The robot is easy to build and only requires a couple of micro servos, an Arduino, an SR04 ultrasonic sensor, a couple of battery packs and a simple 3 or four wheel platform.

The Simple Reinforcement Learning algorithm is the easiest and probably best implementation of the four shown here.

I also implemented a Neural Net which does work but probably adds an unnecessary step. Would be interested in how others would implement a Neural Net.

A great introduction to reinforcement(rewarding) machine learning.

Code for all four algorithms are below.

Closeup Photos of Robot

Q-learning crawler robot 5.JPG
Q-learning crawler robot 4.JPG
Q-learning crawler robot 3.JPG
Q-learning crawler robot 2.JPG
Q-learning crawler 1.JPG

The arm servos must be oriented so that when they are rotating counter-clockwise then 0 degrees is up and 180 degrees is down. In the program they will always be zeroed out with servo 1 (closest to the body) at 0 degrees and servo 2 at 40 degrees.

I use a servo shield to make it easy to connect servos and sensors to the Arduino Uno.

The SR04 ultrasonic sensor is used to determine when the robot moves forward. One could also use a wheel encoder for the same purpose and then having a solid surface behind the robot at all times during the learning sessions would not be required.

Q-learning Arduino Program...

Here is the code. I commented the code so it is easier to understand how the array tables work. The Q table keeps the rewards and provides a trail for the robot to follow once it has learned which movements from state to state will propel the robot forward with the greatest success.

(sorry about the formatting - instructables formatting is pretty pitiful)

Q_Learning Robot

by: Erick M. Sirpa

// comments by Jim Demello Oct 2018


/ Servo setup: the servos must be oriented so that if the arm is rotating counter-clockwise to the left of the servo, then up is 0 degrees

// and down is 180 degrees, for both servos. Then when the arm is in it's highest postion, servo 1 (the servo closest to the

// body of the robot, will be at 0 degrees and servo 2 will be at 40 degrees.)

// Sonar: the sonar module should be placed facing the rear of the robot as it measures movement of the robot away from some

// solid structure like a wall.

#include "servo.h"

void Mostrar(float Q[][4]); // function to print Q table array on Serial Monitor

float distancia;

float tiempo;

int TRIGGER=7,ECHO=8; // sonar pins

Servo servo1,servo2;

int valor=0; // not used

int act=0;

int ang=40; // servo1 (initial value) angle

int ang2=0; // servo2 angle

int ang_t=0; // temp holders for servo write routine (slowing down servo)

int ang2_t=0;

float Q[16][4]={{ 0, 0, 0, 0}, // col 1 and 2 hold servo1 values and col3 and col4 hold servo2 values

{0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0},

{ 0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0},

{ 0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0},

{0, 0, 0, 0}};

int action=0;

int state=0;

int cont=0; // not used

float gamma = 0.8;

float Qmax=0;

float a=0,b=0;

int x=0;

int goal=15; // state 15 is goal

void setup (){


servo1.write(0); //starting position for servo 1





pinMode(TRIGGER, OUTPUT); // setup sonar

pinMode(ECHO, INPUT);


float R[16][4] = { // columns 1 and 2 are for servo1 and columns 3 and 4 are for servo2

{ 0, -1, 0, -1}, // servos in highest position cannot raise first servo nor raise second (servo angle of zero)

{-1, -1, 0, 0}, // can lower or raise 2nd servo

{-1, -1, 0, 0}, // can lower or raise 2nd servo

{-1, -1, -1, 0}, // can only raise 2nd servo

{ 0, 0, 0, -1}, // can lower and raise first servo AND lower 2nd servo

{-1, 0, 0, 0}, // can raise 1st servo AND lower and raise 2nd servo

{-1, 0, 0, 0}, // can raise 1st servo AND lower and raise 2nd servo

{-1, 0, -1, 0}, // can raise 1st servo and raise 2nd servo

{ 0, 0, 0, -1}, // can lower AND raise 1st servo and lower 2nd servo

{-1, 0, 0, 0}, //9 can raise 1st servo and lower and raise 2nd servo

{-1, 0, 0, 0}, //10 can raise 1st servo and lower and raise 2nd servo

{-1, 0, -1, 0}, //11 can raise 1st servo and can raise 2nd servo

{-1, 0, 0, -1}, //12 can raise 1st servo and can lower 2nd servo

{-1, -1, 0, 0}, //13 can raise and lower 2nd servo

{-1, -1, 1000,0}, // can raise and lower 2nd servo

{-1, 0, -1, 0}}; // servos in their lowest position - can raise 1st servo and can raise 2nd servo

// pos array is valid action table - it contains 3 columns because there can be up to 3 distinct valid actions

int pos[16][3]={ // 4 possible action values: 0=servo1 down -- 1=servo1 up -- 2=servo2 down -- 3=servo2 up rows are states


{2,3,2}, //01 230 (old values)

{2,3,3}, //02 - use 233 - the second 3 is just a place holder as must fill all 3 column values with valid value

{3,3,3}, //03 330


{2,3,3}, //05 230

{2,3,3}, //06 230

{3,3,3}, //07 330

{0,1,2}, //08

{2,3,3}, //09 230

{2,3,3}, //10 230

{3,3,3}, //11

{1,2,1}, //12

{2,3,3}, //13

{2,3,3}, //14

{1,3,3}, //15


int nstate=0;

float diff=0,d_prom=0,d_ant=0, d_new=0;

float point=0;

int cc=0; // not used

for(int d=0;d<20;d++){ // get starting distance - average over 20 mearsurements (probably not necessary to average)







// exit(0); // exit here to just test SR04 sensor

for (int epoca=0;epoca<2;epoca++) // for 10 episodes (even 5 episodes usually works)



// state=random(15); // randomly select a state 0 to 14 - problem with this is that it allows negative

// servo positions to be generated - not too good for servo

state = 0; // start at highest arm position every time

ang=40; // servo 1 starting position

ang2=0; // servo 2 starting position


ang_t =ang; // used to write from old angle to new one in servo writing function (for slowing down servo speed)

ang2_t=ang2; // same

cc=0; // not used

cont++; // not used

//x=random(2); //original progam was only using 2 possible actions but this limits the number of states being accessed

x=random(3); // get one of 3 possible action numbers accesses more states


action=pos[state][x]; // choose a valid a ction for that state from pos array

// if action 0 or 1 then select next closest servo 1 position

// if action 2 or 3 then select next closest servo 2 position

if(action==0){ // servo 1 down and servo2 at 0

nstate=state+4; // make next state where servo 1 moves down




else if(action==1){ // servo 1 up and servo2 at 0

nstate=state-4; // make next state where servo 1 moves up




else if(action==2){ // servo 2 down

nstate=state+1; // make next state where servo2 moves down



else if(action==3){ // servo 2 up

nstate=state-1; // make next state where servo2 moves up



// move servos //

Serial.print(" episode = ");Serial.print(epoca);

Serial.print(" state = ");Serial.print(state);

Serial.print(" action= ");Serial.print(action);

Serial.print(" ang = ");Serial.print(ang);

Serial.print(" ang2 = ");Serial.println(ang2);

servoVelocidad(servo1,ang_t,ang,5); // // move servo1 ----5 is just delay speed for writing servo(0=full speed)

servoVelocidad(servo2,ang2_t,ang2,5); // move servo2

d_new=dist(); // get distance

diff=d_new-d_ant; // see how much moved from last distance


if(diff>=1.9 ){ // if more than 1.9 cm then...

point=map(diff,1,4,5,10); // maps from 1-4 to 5-10

R[nstate][action]=point; // increase reward for movement forward in next state (future reward)



Serial.println(" ");

a = -10;

for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {

if (a < Q[nstate][i]) { // get max value of next state

a = Q[nstate][i];



Qmax = a * gamma; // get percentage of max value

Q[state][action] = R[state][action] + Qmax; // calculate and store Q value

state = nstate;

} // while not goal

} // end each epoch

Mostrar(R); // show reward table

Serial.println(" ");

Serial.println(" ");

Mostrar(Q); // show q table

} // end setup

void loop(){ // main loop reads Qtable and performs actions

//state = random(3); // randomly choose state from 0 to 3 so that goal state is not chosen first I assume

state=0; // start out at zero state every time (highest position of arm)

ang=40; // starting angle of servo1

ang2=0; // starting angle of servo2

Serial.println("Starting main loop... ");


b = -10;

for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // find highest value in Qtable for selected state and get that action number

if (b <= Q[state][i]) {

b = Q[state][i];

act = i;





Serial.print(" b = ");Serial.print(b);

Serial.print(" state = ");Serial.print(state);

if(act==0){ // servo1 down and servo2 at 0





else if(act==1){ // servo1 up and servo2 at 0





else if(act==2){ // servo2 down




else if(act==3){ // servo2 up




Serial.print(" act= ");Serial.print(act);

Serial.print(" ang = ");Serial.print(ang);

Serial.print(" ang2 = ");Serial.println(ang2);

servoVelocidad(servo1,ang_t,ang,25); // move servo1 at speed 25

servoVelocidad(servo2,ang2_t,ang2,25); // move servo2 at speed 25

} // end while not goal

Serial.println("End main loop. ");

} // end loop

void Mostrar(float Q[][4]){ // routine to print Qtable on monitor

for (int i=0;i<16;i++){

for(int j=0;j<4;j++){


Serial.print(" ");


Serial.println(" ");


} // end show Q table

float dist() { // routine to measure distance

digitalWrite(TRIGGER, LOW);


digitalWrite(TRIGGER, HIGH);


digitalWrite(TRIGGER, LOW);

// Calcula la distancia midiendo el tiempo del estado alto del pin ECHO

tiempo = pulseIn(ECHO, HIGH);

distancia = tiempo / 58.00;

Serial.print(tiempo);Serial.print(" ");




return distancia;

}// end get sonar distance routine

void servoVelocidad(Servo servo, int anguloA, int anguloB, int velocidad) { // routine to control speed of servo

if (anguloA

for (int angulo = anguloA; angulo <= anguloB; angulo=angulo+2)






else {

for (int angulo = anguloA; angulo >= anguloB; angulo=angulo-2)






} // end servo write routine

Reinforcement Learning Arduino Program...


Mmachine learnng crawling Robot Reinforcement Learning Unsupervised - Version 1

by: jim demello


/ Servo setup: the servos must be oriented so that if the arm is rotating counter-clockwise to the left of the servo, then up is 0 degrees

// and down is 180 degrees, for both servos. Then when the arm is in it's highest postion, servo 1 (the servo closest to the

// body of the robot, will be at 0 degrees and servo 2 will be at 40 degrees.)

// Sonar: the ultrasonic module should be placed facing the rear of the robot as it measures movement of the robot away from some

// solid structure like a wall.

// TODO: 1. smooth servo arm movements (simultaneous moves) - done

// 2. lower servo starting positions

// 3. try for 3 positions in success table

// 4. try using wheel encoder rather than ultrasonic module for greater precision and so that robot does not have to

// measure distance from another object.

// algorithm: this is a positive reinforcement (perhaps a simple greedy epsilon algorithm) unsupervised learning algorithm

// It chooses a random state (arm position) for the first position then the second time in the loop randomly gets the second arm position

// and then moves the arm from the first to the second position, gets distance moved and then if it is greater than

// 2cms, it stores these two arm movements in the successes table array.

// When it has looped through the episodes number of cycles, it loops through the successes table to find the highest distance moved.

// Then it just cycles back and forth through those two arm movements.

// improvements to algorithm: sometimes using just two arm positions is too little to produce much movement (although sometimes it is reallly good)

// so could change successes table to store 3 arm movements and then I think it would produce greater movement each time.


#include // use this lib rather than servo.h to control speed of servo

VarSpeedServo servo1,servo2;

float distance;

float sonarTime;

int TRIGGER=7,ECHO=8; // sonar pins

int pos[16][2]={ { 0,40}, // colum 1 holds servo1 positions and column 2 holds servo 2 positions

{ 0,85},

{ 0,130},

{ 0,175},

{ 30,40},

{ 30,85},

{ 30,130},

{ 30,175},

{ 60,40},

{ 60,85},

{ 60,130},

{ 60,175},

{ 90,40},

{ 90,85},

{ 90,130},

{ 90,175}};

int success[16] [5] = { // can have up to 16 successful moves. (from first arm postion) col1 is servo1, col2 is servo2 TO (second arm pos) col3 is servo2 and col4 is servo 2

// col 5 holds distance robot traveled after moving from arm position 1 to arm position 2

















int state=0;

int numberSuccesses = 0;

int episodes = 0;

int spos1 = 0;

int spos2 = 0;

int spos3 = 0;

int spos4 =0;

float distDifference=0,distPrevious=0,distCurrent=0;

void setup (){

servo1.attach( 9, 600, 2400 );

servo2.attach( 6, 600, 2400 );

servo1.write(0,50); //starting position for servo 1



pinMode(TRIGGER, OUTPUT); // setup sonar

pinMode(ECHO, INPUT);



distPrevious = getDistance(); //get initial distance



// exit(0); // exit here to just test sonar

} // end setup

void doTraining() {

episodes = 40;

for (int episode=0;episode


state=random(16); // randomly select a state 0 to 15

if ( episode % 2 == 0) { // even episode so load spos1 and spos2

spos1 = pos[state][0];

spos2 = pos[state][1];

if (episode == 0) { // first episode so need to move arm from starting position to state position

// if we dont do this then starting really starts from highest position and gives false distance reading

// spos1 = pos[state][0];

// spos2 = pos[state][1];

servo1.write(spos1,60,false); // move servo 1 - false means don't wait for move to finish before going to next instruction


servo1.wait(); // now wait until servo finishes




else // odd episode so load spos2 and spos3 and move servos, get distance and store successes in successes array


spos3 = pos[state][0];

spos4 = pos[state][1];

servo1.write(spos1,60,false); // move servo 1 - false means don't wait for move to finish before going to next instruction


servo1.wait(); // now wait until servo finishes


servo1.write(spos3,60,false); // move




distCurrent = getDistance(); // get distance - note this is not always accurate so sometimes robot will just claw the air

distDifference = distCurrent - distPrevious;

distPrevious = distCurrent;

Serial.print(" episode = ");Serial.print(episode);

Serial.print(" state = ");Serial.print(state);

Serial.print(" spos1 = ");Serial.print(spos1);

Serial.print(" spos2 = ");Serial.println(spos2);

Serial.print(" spos3 = ");Serial.print(spos3);

Serial.print(" spos4 = ");Serial.println(spos4);

Serial.print(" distance = ");Serial.println(distDifference);

Serial.println(" ");

if ( distDifference > 1.9) { // if moved forward 2 or more centimeters

success[numberSuccesses][0] = spos1; // servo position 1

success[numberSuccesses][1] = spos2; // servo position 2

success[numberSuccesses][2] = spos3; // servo position 1

success[numberSuccesses][3] = spos4; // servo position 2

success[numberSuccesses][4] = distDifference; // store distance

numberSuccesses = numberSuccesses + 1;

if (numberSuccesses > 14) episodes = 10000; // escape loop if successes array is full


} // end if mod 2

} // end each episode

Serial.print(" NumberSuccesses = ");Serial.println(numberSuccesses);

for (int i=0;i<16;i++){ // print success table

for(int j=0;j<5;j++){


Serial.print(" ");


Serial.println(" ");


} // end doTraining

void getLongestStep() {

Serial.println("Do getLongestStep...");

servo1.write(0,20); // start at 0 state



int prevDistance = 0; // local variables

int currDistance = 0;

int highDistance = 0;

spos1 = 0;

spos2 = 0;

spos3 = 0;

spos4 = 0;

for(int i=0;i<16;i++){ // find highest distance and use those servo postions to move robot

currDistance = success[i][4];

if (currDistance != 0 && currDistance> prevDistance) {

highDistance = currDistance;

spos1 = success[i][0];

spos2 = success[i][1];

spos3 = success[i][2];

spos4 = success[i][3];


prevDistance = currDistance;

} // end while

} // end doTraining()

void doLearnedBehavior() {

Serial.println("Do Learned behavior... ");

servo1.write(0,30,false); //starting position for servo 1




for (int i=0;i<10;i++) {

Serial.print(" spos1 = ");Serial.print(spos1);

Serial.print(" spos2 = ");Serial.println(spos2);

Serial.print(" spos3 = ");Serial.print(spos3);

Serial.print(" spos4 = ");Serial.println(spos4);

servo1.write(spos1,50,false); // first servo positions




servo1.write(spos3,50,false); // 2nd position




state = state + 1;

} // doLearned

} // end loop

void loop(){ // main loop reads success table and performs actions

doTraining(); // trial and error training with distance reinforcement

getLongestStep(); // find servo positions for longest step

doLearnedBehavior(); // do longest step 10 times to make robot crawl

servo1.write(0,30,false); //return to starting position for servo 1

servo2.write(0,30,false); //return to starting position for servo 2




exit(0); // quit program

} // end main loop

float getDistance() { // routine to measure distance = call and average it 10 times

int numberTriggers = 5;

int average = 0;

for(int i=0;i

digitalWrite(TRIGGER, LOW);


digitalWrite(TRIGGER, HIGH);


digitalWrite(TRIGGER, LOW);

sonarTime = pulseIn(ECHO, HIGH);

distance = sonarTime / 58.00;

average = average + distance;

Serial.print(sonarTime);Serial.print(" ");




} // end for i

average = average / numberTriggers;

return average;

}// end get sonar distance routine

Simple Reinforcement Code:

/*Mmachine learnng crawling Robot using Simple Reinforcement Learning

//Mmachine learnng crawling Robot using Simple Reinforcement Learning

//by: jim demelloby: jim demello

//Mmachine learnng crawling Robot using Simple Reinforcement Learning
//by: jim demello Nov 2018

// Servo setup: the servos must be oriented so that if the arm is rotating counter-clockwise to the left of the servo, then up is 0 degrees

// and down is 180 degrees, for both servos. Then when the arm is in it's highest postion, servo 1 (the servo closest to the

// body of the robot, will be at 0 degrees and servo 2 will be at 40 degrees.)

// Sonar: the ultrasonic module should be placed facing the rear of the robot as it measures movement of the robot away from some

// solid structure like a wall.

// TODO: 1. smooth servo arm movements (simultaneous moves) - done

// 2. lower servo starting positions - done

// 3. try using wheel encoder rather than ultrasonic module for greater precision and so that robot does not have to

// measure distance from another object.

// goal: move between two arm positions that produce the greatest distance, without using arrays to store results.

// algorithm: this is a positive reinforcement unsupervised learning algorithm

// It chooses random servo positions for two arm positions -

// and then moves the arm from the first to the second position, gets distance moved and then if it is greater than

// 2cms, it keeps the arm positions that produce the greatest distance.


Servo servo1,servo2;

#ifdef __arm__

// should use uinstd.h to define sbrk but Due causes a conflict

extern "C" char* sbrk(int incr);

#else // __ARM__

extern char *__brkval;

#endif // __arm__

int freeMemory() { // this routine reports on free ram space

char top;

#ifdef __arm__

return &top - reinterpret_cast(sbrk(0));

#elif defined(CORE_TEENSY) || (ARDUINO > 103 && ARDUINO != 151)

return &top - __brkval;

#else // __arm__

return __brkval ? &top - __brkval : &top - __malloc_heap_start;

#endif // __arm__


float distance;

float sonarTime;

int TRIGGER=7,ECHO=8; // sonar pins

//int state=0;

//int numberSuccesses = 0;

int episodes = 0;

int spos1 = 0; // servo1 position

int spos2 = 0; // servo2 position

int spos3 = 0; // servo1 position

int spos4 =0; // servo2 position

int spos1High =0; // servo1 highest position

int spos2High =0;

int spos3High =0;

int spos4High =0;

int distanceHigh=0;

float distDifference=0,distPrevious=0,distCurrent=0;

void setup (){


servo1.attach( 9, 600, 2400 );

servo2.attach( 6, 600, 2400 );

myServo(servo1,0,1,8,1); // set servos to zero position




pinMode(TRIGGER, OUTPUT); // setup sonar

pinMode(ECHO, INPUT);

randomSeed(analogRead(0)); // get real random number seed

distPrevious = getDistance(); //get initial distance



// exit(0); // exit here to just test sonar

} // end setup

float getDistance() { // routine to measure distance = call and average it 5 times

int numberTriggers = 5;

int average = 0;

for(int i=0;i

digitalWrite(TRIGGER, LOW);


digitalWrite(TRIGGER, HIGH);


digitalWrite(TRIGGER, LOW);

sonarTime = pulseIn(ECHO, HIGH);

distance = sonarTime / 58.00;

average = average + distance;

// Serial.print(sonarTime);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(distance);Serial.println("cm");


} // end for i

average = average / numberTriggers;


return average;

}// end get ultrasonic distance routine

void doTraining() {

Serial.println("Do doTraining...");

episodes = 40;

for (int episode=0;episode


spos1 = random(160);

spos2 = random(160);

spos3 = random(160);

spos4 = random(160);





distCurrent = getDistance(); // get distance - note this is not always accurate so sometimes robot will just claw the air

distDifference = distCurrent - distPrevious;

distPrevious = distCurrent;

Serial.print(" episode = ");Serial.print(episode);

// Serial.print(" state = ");Serial.print(state);

Serial.print(" spos1 = ");Serial.print(spos1);

Serial.print(" spos2 = ");Serial.print(spos2);

Serial.print(" spos3 = ");Serial.print(spos3);

Serial.print(" spos4 = ");Serial.print(spos4);

Serial.print(" distance = ");Serial.println(distDifference);

if ( distCurrent > distanceHigh) { // if current distancee is greater than highest then replace postions

spos1High = spos1; // servo position 1

spos2High = spos2; // servo position 2

spos3High = spos3; // servo position 3

spos4High = spos4; // servo position 4

distanceHigh = distCurrent;

// distPrevious = distCurrent;


} // end each episode

Serial.print("spos1High = ");Serial.println(spos1High);

Serial.println(" ");

} // end doTraining

void doLearnedBehavior() {

Serial.println("Do Learned behavior... ");




for (int i=0;i<30;i++) {

Serial.print(" spos1High= "); Serial.print(spos1High);

Serial.print(" spos2High = ");Serial.print(spos2High);

Serial.print(" spos3High = ");Serial.print(spos3High);

Serial.print(" spos4High = ");Serial.println(spos4High);





} // doLearned

} // end loop

void loop(){ // main loop reads success table and performs actions

int freespace = freeMemory(); Serial.print("free memory= "); Serial.println(freespace);

doTraining(); // trial and error training with distance reinforcement

freespace = freeMemory(); Serial.print("free memory= "); Serial.println(freespace);

doLearnedBehavior(); // do longest step 10 times to make robot crawl



Serial.print("end program ");


exit(0); // quit program

} // end main loop

void myServo(Servo servo,int newAngle,int angleInc,int incDelay,int servoNum) {

int curAngle = 0;

curAngle =;

if (curAngle < newAngle) {

for(int angle=curAngle;angle < newAngle;angle += angleInc) {


delay(incDelay); }


else if (curAngle > newAngle) {

for(int angle=curAngle;angle > newAngle;angle -= angleInc) {


delay(incDelay); }


} // end of myServo function

Neural Net Code:

//Machine learnng crawling Robot

Reinforcement using Neural Net

//by: jim demello November 2018 at Shangluo University

//Adapted neural net from here:

// Servo setup: the servos must be oriented so that if the arm is rotating counter-clockwise to the left of the servo, then up is 0 degrees

// and down is 160(servoMax) degrees, for both servos. Then when the arm is in it's highest postion, servo 1 (the servo closest to the

// body of the robot, will be at 0 degrees and servo 2 will be at 0 degrees.)

// Sonar: the ultrasonic module should be placed facing the rear of the robot as it measures movement of the robot away from some

// solid structure like a wall.

// goal: move between two arm positions that produce the greatest distance, without using arrays to store results, only NN

// algorithm: this robot uses a NN to train on training data, then practice moving with the NN and then repeating the most successful movement (learned behavior)

// this algorithm is better than my previous RL algorithms because once the NN is trained, then any random servo positions between

// 0 and servoMax can be used.

// To make this NN work, it is all in setting up the input and training arrays. There may be better ways of doing than I have done here.

// Also you can play with the various NN settings.

// Note: while this algorithm is very entertaining, it seems that a simple Reinforment Learning algorithm is just as accurate without all the complexity of the NN. But it

// it is a fun application of a NN. Perhaps someone can find a better way to fit the application to a NN - perhaps by applying the Distance reading to the back-propagation

// rather than as an input to NN.


Servo servo1,servo2;

#ifdef __arm__

// should use uinstd.h to define sbrk but Due causes a conflict

extern "C" char* sbrk(int incr);

#else // __ARM__

extern char *__brkval;

#endif // __arm__

int freeMemory() { // this routine reports on free ram space

char top;

#ifdef __arm__

return &top - reinterpret_cast(sbrk(0));

#elif defined(CORE_TEENSY) || (ARDUINO > 103 && ARDUINO != 151)

return &top - __brkval;

#else // __arm__

return __brkval ? &top - __brkval : &top - __malloc_heap_start;

#endif // __arm__


float distance;

float sonarTime;

int TRIGGER=7,ECHO=8; // ultrasonic sensor pins

int spos1 = 0; // servo1 position

int spos2 = 0; // servo2 position

int spos3 = 0; // servo1 position

int spos4 =0; // servo2 position

int spos1High =0; // servo1 highest position - which means these arm positions achieved the biggest distance reading and so will repeat them in final execution routine

// I know, I am terrible at variable names

int spos2High =0;

int spos3High =0;

int spos4High =0;

int distanceHigh=0; // save highest distance reading

float highOutput = 0.0;

int numberTrainingCycles = 100; // number of times to train robot on NN after the NN has trained on the Input and Target arrays

int servoMin = 0;

int servoMax = 160;

float distDifference=0,distPrevious=0,distCurrent=0;

#include "math.h"


Network Configuration - customized per network


const int PatternCount = 16;

const int InputNodes = 5;

const int HiddenNodes = 7;

const int OutputNodes = 1;

const float LearningRate = 0.2;

const float Momentum = 0.9;

const float InitialWeightMax = 0.5;

const float Success = 0.0015;

float Target[PatternCount][OutputNodes] = { // these are the successful outputs corresponding to arm positions in Input array

// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

{ 0 }, { 0 }, { 0 }, { 1 }, { 0 }, { 0 }, { 0,}, { 1 }, { 0 }, { 0 }, { 0 }, { 0 }, { 0 }, { 0 }, { 0 }, { 1 } };

const float Input [PatternCount][InputNodes] {

{ 0,0,0,0,0}, // colum 1 and 2 holds servo1 positions and column 3 and 4 holds servo 2 positions - col 5 holds distance

{ 0,0,0,1,0},

{ 0,0,1,0,0},

{ 0,0,1,1,1},

{ 1,0,0,0,0},

{ 1,0,0,1,0},

{ 1,0,1,0,0},

{ 1,0,1,1,1},

{ 1,1,0,0,0},

{ 1,1,0,1,0},

{ 1,1,1,0,0},

{ 1,1,1,1,0},

{ 0,1,0,0,0},

{ 0,1,0,1,0},

{ 0,1,1,0,0},

{ 0,1,1,1,1}};


End Network Configuration


int i, j, p, q, r;

int ReportEvery1000;

int RandomizedIndex[PatternCount];

long TrainingCycle;

float Rando;

float Error = 2;

float Accum;

float Hidden[HiddenNodes];

float Output[OutputNodes];

float HiddenWeights[InputNodes + 1][HiddenNodes];

float OutputWeights[HiddenNodes + 1][OutputNodes];

float HiddenDelta[HiddenNodes];

float OutputDelta[OutputNodes];

float ChangeHiddenWeights[InputNodes + 1][HiddenNodes];

float ChangeOutputWeights[HiddenNodes + 1][OutputNodes];

long previousMillis = 0;

unsigned long currentMillis;

long loopTimer = 10; // do the main processing every 10 milliseconds (probably not necessary to use this, I just copied it in from another program)

void setup (){


Serial.println("Starting program");

randomSeed(analogRead(A1)); //Collect a random ADC sample for Randomization.

ReportEvery1000 = 1;

for ( p = 0 ; p < PatternCount ; p++ ) {

RandomizedIndex[p] = p ;


Serial.println("do train_nn"); // do NN training



servo1.attach( 9, 600, 2400 );

servo2.attach( 6, 600, 2400 );

myServo(servo1,0,1,8,1); // set servos to zero position




pinMode(TRIGGER, OUTPUT); // setup ultrasonic sensor

pinMode(ECHO, INPUT);

distPrevious = getDistance(); //get initial distance

Serial.print("Initial distance= ");Serial.println(distPrevious);


// exit(0); // exit here to just test sonar

} // end setup

float getDistance() { // routine to measure distance = call and average it 5 times

int numberTriggers = 5;

int average = 0;

for(int i=0;i

digitalWrite(TRIGGER, LOW);


digitalWrite(TRIGGER, HIGH);


digitalWrite(TRIGGER, LOW);

sonarTime = pulseIn(ECHO, HIGH);

distance = sonarTime / 58.00;

average = average + distance;


} // end for i

average = average / numberTriggers;

Serial.print("Distance = ");Serial.println(average);

return average;

}// end get sonar distance routine

void doLearnedBehavior() {

Serial.println("Do Learned behavior... ");




for (int i=0;i<30;i++) {

Serial.print(" spos1High= "); Serial.print(spos1High);

Serial.print(" spos2High = ");Serial.print(spos2High);

Serial.print(" spos3High = ");Serial.print(spos3High);

Serial.print(" spos4High = ");Serial.println(spos4High);





} // doLearned

} // end loop

void loop(){ // main loop reads success table and performs actions

int freespace = freeMemory(); Serial.print("free memory= "); Serial.println(freespace); // just wanted to see if memory ever became a problem


freespace = freeMemory(); Serial.print("free memory= "); Serial.println(freespace);




Serial.print("end program ");


exit(0); // quit program

} // end main loop

void myServo(Servo servo,int newAngle,int angleInc,int incDelay,int servoNum) {// routine to read current servo angle, advance it to newAngle and control speed

int curAngle = 0;

curAngle =;

//Serial.print("curAngle = "); Serial.println(curAngle);

if (curAngle < newAngle) {

for(int angle=curAngle;angle < newAngle;angle += angleInc) {


delay(incDelay); }


else if (curAngle > newAngle) {

for(int angle=curAngle;angle > newAngle;angle -= angleInc) {


delay(incDelay); }


} // end of myServo function



/after having trained the NN, now drive the robot on the NN, and store the highest distance yielding servo positions

void drive_nn()


Serial.println("Running NN Drive ");

numberTrainingCycles = 20; // number of times to try random servo positions and get distances, then store the highest for final walking

for (int x=0;x < numberTrainingCycles;x++) {

currentMillis = millis();

float TestInput[] = {0, 0};

if(currentMillis - previousMillis > loopTimer) { //do calculation every 5 or more milliseconds

// Serial.print("currentMillis= ");Serial.println(currentMillis);

int randomNo = random(servoMax);

float pos1 = map(randomNo,0,servoMax,0,100); // randomly get servo 1 position between 0 and servoMax

pos1 = pos1/100;

randomNo = random(servoMax);

float pos2 = map(randomNo,0,servoMax,0,100);

pos2 = pos2/100;

randomNo = random(servoMax);

float pos3 = map(randomNo,0,servoMax,0,100);

pos3 = pos3/100;

randomNo = random(servoMax);

float pos4= map(randomNo,0,servoMax,0,100);

pos4 = pos4/100;

// move robot with new random positions

myServo(servo1,pos1 * servoMax,1,7,1);

myServo(servo2,pos2 * servoMax,1,7,1);

myServo(servo1,pos3 * servoMax,1,7,1);

myServo(servo2,pos4 * servoMax,1,7,1);


// get distance for pos5


//float temp = getDistance(); // get distance

distCurrent = getDistance(); // get distance

distDifference = distCurrent - distPrevious;

distPrevious = distCurrent;

Serial.print("===> distDifference = ");Serial.println(distDifference);

// if ((pos1 < .70) && (pos3 > .8)) temp = 3; //testing distance

// else temp = 0;


// may have to increase range to make distance more powerful


float temp = map(distDifference,0,10,0,100);

float pos5 = temp/100;

InputToOutput(pos1,pos2,pos3,pos4,pos5); //input to NN to get Output[]

pos1 = pos1 * servoMax; pos2 = pos2 * servoMax; pos3 = pos3 * servoMax; pos4 = pos4 * servoMax; //pos5 = pos5 * servoMax;

Serial.print(" pos1= ");Serial.print(pos1);Serial.print(" pos2= ");Serial.print(pos2);Serial.print(" pos3= ");Serial.print(pos3);

Serial.print(" pos4= ");Serial.print(pos4);Serial.print(" pos5= ");Serial.print(pos5);

Serial.print("Output from NN =");Serial.println(Output[0]);


// IF output is greater than .10 then use those positions to move robot and store the highest output positions achieved


if (Output[0] > .10) {

if (Output[0] > highOutput) {

highOutput = Output[0];

spos1High = pos1;

spos2High = pos2;

spos3High = pos3;

spos4High = pos4;

Serial.print(" --------> spos1High= ");Serial.print(spos1High);Serial.print(" spos2High= ");Serial.print(spos2High);Serial.print(" spos3High= ");Serial.print(spos3High);

Serial.print(" spos4High= ");Serial.print(spos4High);Serial.print(" Output= ");Serial.println(Output[0]);



previousMillis = currentMillis;

} // end millis loop


} //end of drive_nn() function


void toTerminal()


for ( p = 0 ; p < PatternCount ; p++ ) {


Serial.print (" Training Pattern: ");

Serial.println (p);

Serial.print (" Input ");

for ( i = 0 ; i < InputNodes ; i++ ) {

Serial.print (Input[p][i], DEC);

Serial.print (" ");


Serial.print (" Target ");

for ( i = 0 ; i < OutputNodes ; i++ ) {

Serial.print (Target[p][i], DEC);

Serial.print (" ");



Compute hidden layer activations


for ( i = 0 ; i < HiddenNodes ; i++ ) {

Accum = HiddenWeights[InputNodes][i] ;

for ( j = 0 ; j < InputNodes ; j++ ) {

Accum += Input[p][j] * HiddenWeights[j][i] ;


Hidden[i] = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-Accum)) ; // activation function



Compute output layer activations and calculate errors


for ( i = 0 ; i < OutputNodes ; i++ ) {

Accum = OutputWeights[HiddenNodes][i] ;

for ( j = 0 ; j < HiddenNodes ; j++ ) {

Accum += Hidden[j] * OutputWeights[j][i] ;


Output[i] = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-Accum)) ;


Serial.print (" Output ");

for ( i = 0 ; i < OutputNodes ; i++ ) {

Serial.print (Output[i], 5);

Serial.print (" ");




void InputToOutput(float In1,float In2, float In3, float In4, float In5)


float TestInput[] = {0,0,0,0,0};

// Serial.print("In1 = ");Serial.println(In1);

TestInput[0] = In1; //first servo arm position - servo 1

TestInput[1] = In2; //first servo arm position - servo 2

TestInput[2] = In3; // 2nd servo arm position - servo 1

TestInput[3] = In4; // 2nd servo arm position - servo 2

TestInput[4] = In5; // distance


Compute hidden layer activations


for ( i = 0 ; i < HiddenNodes ; i++ ) {

Accum = HiddenWeights[InputNodes][i] ;

for ( j = 0 ; j < InputNodes ; j++ ) {

Accum += TestInput[j] * HiddenWeights[j][i] ;


Hidden[i] = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-Accum)) ;



Compute output layer activations and calculate errors


for ( i = 0 ; i < OutputNodes ; i++ ) {

Accum = OutputWeights[HiddenNodes][i] ;

for ( j = 0 ; j < HiddenNodes ; j++ ) {

Accum += Hidden[j] * OutputWeights[j][i] ;


Output[i] = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-Accum)) ;


//#ifdef DEBUG

Serial.print (" Output ");

for ( i = 0 ; i < OutputNodes ; i++ ) {

Serial.print (Output[i], 5);

Serial.print (" ");





void train_nn() {


Initialize HiddenWeights and ChangeHiddenWeights


int prog_start = 0;

Serial.println("start training...");

//digitalWrite(LEDYEL, LOW);

for ( i = 0 ; i < HiddenNodes ; i++ ) {

for ( j = 0 ; j <= InputNodes ; j++ ) {

ChangeHiddenWeights[j][i] = 0.0 ;

Rando = float(random(100)) / 100;

HiddenWeights[j][i] = 2.0 * ( Rando - 0.5 ) * InitialWeightMax ;



//digitalWrite(LEDYEL, HIGH);


Initialize OutputWeights and ChangeOutputWeights


//digitalWrite(LEDRED, LOW);

for ( i = 0 ; i < OutputNodes ; i ++ ) {

for ( j = 0 ; j <= HiddenNodes ; j++ ) {

ChangeOutputWeights[j][i] = 0.0 ;

Rando = float(random(100)) / 100;

OutputWeights[j][i] = 2.0 * ( Rando - 0.5 ) * InitialWeightMax ;



//digitalWrite(LEDRED, HIGH);

//SerialUSB.println("Initial/Untrained Outputs: ");



Begin training


for ( TrainingCycle = 1 ; TrainingCycle < 2147483647 ; TrainingCycle++) {


Randomize order of training patterns


for ( p = 0 ; p < PatternCount ; p++) {

q = random(PatternCount);

r = RandomizedIndex[p] ;

RandomizedIndex[p] = RandomizedIndex[q] ;

RandomizedIndex[q] = r ;


Error = 0.0 ;


Cycle through each training pattern in the randomized order


for ( q = 0 ; q < PatternCount ; q++ ) {

p = RandomizedIndex[q];


Compute hidden layer activations


//digitalWrite(LEDYEL, LOW);

for ( i = 0 ; i < HiddenNodes ; i++ ) {

Accum = HiddenWeights[InputNodes][i] ;

for ( j = 0 ; j < InputNodes ; j++ ) {

Accum += Input[p][j] * HiddenWeights[j][i] ;


Hidden[i] = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-Accum)) ;


//digitalWrite(LEDYEL, HIGH);


Compute output layer activations and calculate errors


//digitalWrite(LEDRED, LOW);

for ( i = 0 ; i < OutputNodes ; i++ ) {

Accum = OutputWeights[HiddenNodes][i] ;

for ( j = 0 ; j < HiddenNodes ; j++ ) {

Accum += Hidden[j] * OutputWeights[j][i] ;


Output[i] = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-Accum)) ;

OutputDelta[i] = (Target[p][i] - Output[i]) * Output[i] * (1.0 - Output[i]) ;

Error += 0.5 * (Target[p][i] - Output[i]) * (Target[p][i] - Output[i]) ;


// Serial.println(Output[0]*100);

//digitalWrite(LEDRED, HIGH);


Backpropagate errors to hidden layer


//digitalWrite(LEDYEL, LOW);

for ( i = 0 ; i < HiddenNodes ; i++ ) {

Accum = 0.0 ;

for ( j = 0 ; j < OutputNodes ; j++ ) {

Accum += OutputWeights[i][j] * OutputDelta[j] ;


HiddenDelta[i] = Accum * Hidden[i] * (1.0 - Hidden[i]) ;


//digitalWrite(LEDYEL, HIGH);


Update Inner-->Hidden Weights


//digitalWrite(LEDRED, LOW);

for ( i = 0 ; i < HiddenNodes ; i++ ) {

ChangeHiddenWeights[InputNodes][i] = LearningRate * HiddenDelta[i] + Momentum * ChangeHiddenWeights[InputNodes][i] ;

HiddenWeights[InputNodes][i] += ChangeHiddenWeights[InputNodes][i] ;

for ( j = 0 ; j < InputNodes ; j++ ) {

ChangeHiddenWeights[j][i] = LearningRate * Input[p][j] * HiddenDelta[i] + Momentum * ChangeHiddenWeights[j][i];

HiddenWeights[j][i] += ChangeHiddenWeights[j][i] ;



//digitalWrite(LEDRED, HIGH);


Update Hidden-->Output Weights


//digitalWrite(LEDYEL, LOW);

for ( i = 0 ; i < OutputNodes ; i ++ ) {

ChangeOutputWeights[HiddenNodes][i] = LearningRate * OutputDelta[i] + Momentum * ChangeOutputWeights[HiddenNodes][i] ;

OutputWeights[HiddenNodes][i] += ChangeOutputWeights[HiddenNodes][i] ;

for ( j = 0 ; j < HiddenNodes ; j++ ) {

ChangeOutputWeights[j][i] = LearningRate * Hidden[j] * OutputDelta[i] + Momentum * ChangeOutputWeights[j][i] ;

OutputWeights[j][i] += ChangeOutputWeights[j][i] ;



//digitalWrite(LEDYEL, HIGH);



Every 100 cycles send data to terminal for display and draws the graph on OLED


ReportEvery1000 = ReportEvery1000 - 1;

if (ReportEvery1000 == 0)


int graphNum = TrainingCycle / 100;

int graphE1 = Error * 1000;

int graphE = map(graphE1, 3, 80, 47, 0);

Serial.print ("TrainingCycle: ");

Serial.print (TrainingCycle);

Serial.print (" Error = ");

Serial.println (Error, 5);


if (TrainingCycle == 1)


ReportEvery1000 = 99;




ReportEvery1000 = 100;




If error rate is less than pre-determined threshold then end


if ( Error < Success ) break ;


Serial.println("End training.");
