If you've ever wanted a remote-controlled vehicle that can go off-road and that you can watch from a first-person view camera, this tank is for you. When travelling over terrains like dirt and clipped grass, the tank's tracks provide excellent traction. On carpet and hardwood floors, the tank performs admirably, making it ideal for inside use on rainy days. Two motors propel the tank. A remote control is used to operate it. It also includes a mount on top that enables for exciting upgrades like FPV cameras and even a robot arm if you want to build it yourself!
Step 1: Electronics Needed
You'll need a few electronics to construct the tank. Obviously, two motors are required. Each engine is in charge of its own track. The Flysky Radio powers both the tank and the remote. I've included all of the parts you'll need below:
Key Components:
The following components are required for the tank to function:
2x Bo Motors
lipo Battery 11.1v
Sabertooth Dual 5A Motor Driver for R/C
5.8ghz VTX
FPV camera
Flysky transmitter and radio
FPV monitor or goggles
Other sensors:
These components are not required but can be fun additional add ons
Arduino nano
Ultrasonic Sensor
Color Sensor
Step 2: Wiring the Robot

Wiring of the robot very simple and easy all you have do is connect the motor polarity to the motor driver and then connect the motor driver to the receivers channel no 1,2 and 3 and finall connect the battery.
Step 3: 3d Printing
Once everything is uploaded and you are happy with how it came out than you are ready to start 3D Printing the model. First step is to download all of the files of design.
Once everything that you need is printed out(It should be around 500g) you can move on to assembly.
Now that everything is printed we can work on putting the tank together.
Step 4:adding VTX and Camera
you can choose any VTX and camera which are small and compact
then directly connect it to the battery terminals to provide them the power or you can add a voltage regulator if you want.
Spy V2?
When I start working on a new tank I will want to have more powerful motors and maybe more motors. I will probably use stepper drivers instead. I may want to add some height to make it so it can go more off road. If you like this tank watch out for a new version maybe in a little while.
Hey thanks for reading this far, hopefully at this point you have yourself a working tank! If you liked this build or want to do this in the future please hit the favorite and vote button for me! Thanks a lot and enjoy your tank!