Quick Felt Flowers

by SomethingSoSam in Craft > Felt

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Quick Felt Flowers


No matter how easy felt flowers are to make, they’re definitely not streamlined or simple! So I came up with a relatively quick way to create wisteria-esque flowers. And if you have a few friends to help, it can certainly be created in just a couple of hours!


  • felt
  • scissors
  • pen or marker
  • glue gun
  • glue sticks

Fold and Draw


Fold the felt so there are four layers. Then freehand or trace circles onto the felt. They don’t need to be perfect.



Cut the fabric just above and below the circle so that you have a long strip of 4 unattached layers. Then cut between each circle so you have a bunch of squares. Then cut each group of squares (consisting of four layers) into their circle shape. You can also just cut the circles directly but I find this prevents the layers from getting messed up and makes things easier.



Fold one circle over and add a small line of hot glue.



Fold the opposite side over and carefully press to seal, creating a cone shape. The glue can squeeze through the felt so be careful not to burn yourself.



Attach felt pieces together by adding a line of hot glue to the inside edge of the cone. Then just place one cone inside of the cone with the glue and press to seal.

Make It Your Own!


The rest is up to you! Use whatever colors and sizes that you would like. I would suggest at least 3 different sizes from large to small depending on the length you're going for. I used string to hang mine from a circular ring to create a chandelier but you could also tie them to balloons or glue directly to a backdrop.