Quick and Easy Lace Peek-a-Boot Socks

by ShrimpSaladCircus in Craft > Fashion

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Quick and Easy Lace Peek-a-Boot Socks

Months ago, I kept seeing some gorgeous boot socks all over Pinterest. They're completely perfect - crocheted, soft-looking, tall, and lined with just a hint of lace. I thought they'd be perfect peeking out of a pair of boots, but alas, I can't justify £48 for a pair of socks - no matter how cute! Naturally, I decided to make my own, and I'm quite pleased with how they turned out (though I still wouldn't mind having that schmancy pair, either...)!

P.S. I beg you not to judge my knobby knees. Enjoy making yo' self some loverly new socks!

For more fashion and home tutorials, visit my blog at Shrimp Salad Circus!

What You Need

  • knee socks
  • lace - about 36" so that you have enough to account for stretching
  • coordinating thread
  • scissors
  • medium needle

Roll 'Em

Put on a pair of yoga pants or heavy-duty leggings. Roll them up a few times so that you've got a bulky cuff over your upper calf.

Flip 'Em

Turn your socks inside out, and pull them up so that the cuff of the sock is over the rolled up cuff of the leggings. You want the cuff of the socks to be as stretched as possible while you're sewing on the lace. If you sew it on unstretched, then you won't be able to get the sock back over your calf without ripping the threads. Be sure to put the sock on so that the back is actually in the front. You want the back to be where the lace edges come together, not the front.

Stitch a Little

Double-up a length of thread on your needle, and sew into the cuff line and then back out the same side.  The cuff should be a double-layer of material. Make sure that you only sew into the first layer of the two. That way, the outside of the sock (when you turn it back right side out) will not have any stitches visible.

Tie Off

Tie a knot to keep the thread from pulling through the wide-knit of the sock fabric.

Get Lacy

Sew up through the lace and then back into the sock. Loop back through the same spot in the sock and lace to give it a solid anchor before you move on.

Continue sewing the lace on along the cuff line using a really basic slip stitch. Make your stitches about 1/8" long.

Do the Twist

When you get to the point where you're trying to sew at an awkward angle, just carefully twist the sock so that the part you already sewed is toward the back. Continue sewing until you get all the way around to the edge.

Snip and Go

When you sew it all the way around, just sew a couple loops through the sock and lace, and tie off a knot. Trim the thread and lace. Take the sock off; turn it inside out; and put it on with a cute pair of boots. Scrunch the sock down as necessary so that just the lace peeks out the top of the boots. Adorable!