Quick and Easy to Make Paper Roses!!
by lydia-munoz in Craft > Art
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Quick and Easy to Make Paper Roses!!

If your bored and have nothing to do, try making these paper roses. They are fun, quick, and easy to make.
•4 sticky notes
•Elmer's liquid glue or a hot glue gun
• 1 Bamboo skewer stick or a toothpick

Take one sticky note, grab the top right corner and fold it down diagonally down to the bottom left corner. (Make sure to crease the fold.)

Grab one of the long corners and fold it to the other long corner creating a smaller triangle.
Then fold it again the same way creating an even smaller triangle.

Repeat steps 1-2 three more times so you have 4 small folded triangles.

Take one of the triangles and hold it like shown in the photos.
Cut along the drawn curve as seen in the second and third photo.
Cut all four triangles this way.

Unfold all of the pieces and they should look like this.
These will be the flower bases.
More Cutting

Each flower base is separated into 8 sections. Cut out one of the sections on ONE of the flower bases as shown in the photos.

Take another flower base and cut out two sections from it.

Take another flower base and cut 3 sections from it.

Take the last flower base and cut 4 sections from it.

These are all the pieces you should have.

Put your glue on the section with the black line.
The grab the section left from where you cut and glue to bottom of that section to where you applied glue to created the flower petals.
Creating Petals

Take your Bamboo stick or toothpick and for each petal, roll the petal backwards along the stick making petals look a little more realistic. (Repeat this step for each flower bases petals)

Put them in order from smallest to biggest.

Take the biggest flower base nd apply hot glue to the center of it. Then take the next largest flower base and glue it in the middle of the first flower base.

Keep glueing the flowers together from largest to smallest until you run out of flowers.

Congratulations on creating your first paper rose!
The more you practice making them the better they will start looking.