RGB Electronic Die
This project is an RGB Electronic Die that generates the codes from 1 to 6 through 7 RGB LEDs as outputs for showing the mentioned numbers while the inputs are the codes generated by a 7490 counter fixed to count from 000-101. For carring out the RGB Electronic Die, it's necessary to design a decoder interface between counter and display by being this last one: a configuration of 7 RGB LEDs referenced previously. Also, we'll need to use a rotary switch of 4 poles y 3 positions for selecting the three possible colors: Red, Green or Blue.
Bill of Materials
1 PCB 9cmX 15cm
7 5mm RGB LEDs
7 LED Mounting Hardware LowPro T1-3/4 Clear
1 IC7490
1 IC7408
1 IC7432
1 IC7404
1 IC555
4 Socket IC 14-Pin Dual Wipe Low Profile 0.3 Inch Wide
1 8-Pin IC Socket Dual Wipe Low Profile 0.30 Inch Wide
1 Potentiometer of 10K
1 Resistor of 470 Ohm, 1/4Watt
1 Electrolytic Capacitor of 1uF
1 Voltage Regulator 7805
1 Switch Push Button Tactile
1 Rotary Switch 4 poles y 3 positions
1 9V Battery Snap with 6 Inch 26 AWG Wires
1 9V Battery
Some connecting wires
Schematic I: the Design
Schematic I is the design of your project.
Schematic II: the Project
Schematic II is the whole project.
Schematic III: Clock Circuit
Schematic III represents the clock circuit that you need in your project.
Identifying RGB LEDs
Before installing the RGB LEDs, you need to Identify correctly the pins of all RGB LEDs that you are going to use in your project.
Install the LEDs and IC Sockets
Once installed the LEDs and the IC sockets, you can connect the LED's cathodes each other.
LED's Cathodes to IC Sockets
Note that you will be connecting the LED's cathodes to IC7490 in its pins 7 & 10 while IC7408 and IC7432 in theirs pins 7.
Install the Capacitor
Install the capacitor of 1uF by connecting it to pin 1 of IC555 its negative polarity while its positive polarity to the pins 4 & 8 of that same integrated circuit. Besides that, connect from pin 1 of IC555 to pin 7 of IC7404 and to LED's cathodes.
Installing the Pot & Resistor
Install the pot of 10K and resistor of 470 Ohm by following the instructions on your schematics.
Install the 7805
Install the voltage regulator so that you can do all interconnections among the integrated circuits and 7805. That is, the pins that will be connected to +5V: pin 14 for IC7404,IC7408 & IC7432, pin 5 for IC7490 and pin 4 & 8 for IC555.
Install the Switch & the Battery Snap
Install the switch and the battery snap with wires red & black so that you can do the connections at the rest of circuit.
Make Hole of 3/8"
Need to make a hole of 3/8" so that you can install the rotary switch.
Identifying the Rotary Switch
Identify the pins of your rotary switch by identifying each pole from 1 until 4 and begin with the first position in Red for each pole. That is, pole 1: Red, Green, Blue, pole 2: Red, Green, Blue, pole 3: Red, Green, Blue, pole 4: Red, Green, Blue. Check your schematic.
Install the Rotary Switch
Install the rotary switch and the plastic knob and do all connections carefully. Note that you can fold each pin of the first position for establishing a color; for example, you can begin with red to connect all red colors from the pole 1 to pole 4 according to the schematic cited.
Connect the 9V Battery
Connecting the 9V battery, you can play with your RGB Electronic Die and you also have the option of selecting from three colors: red, green or blue. Enjoy it.