RGB Infinity Mirror

Let's build an RGB infinity mirror!
I know there are many instructables that teach how to make an infinity mirror, but I think mine is one of the simplest to build.
It's a DIY very easy, you only need the following materials:
- Frame - You can use any frame as long as it has enough thickness to accommodate the LED strip. I used HOVSTA from IKEA!
- RGB LED strip - OK, it doesn't have to be RGB, you can use any LED strip, but if you can change color it looks much better! For this project I used a 1m (3ft) USB RGB LED strip with infrared remote control.
- Mirror & Glass - They should be as thin as possible so they can fit in the frame. I used a mirror with 3mm (0.12in) and a glass with 2mm (0.08in).
- Mirror film - Easily found at your local store.
Let's Start!

Bring all the materials together, open the toolbox and let's get started!
Begin by disassembling the frame until you find the inner frame. Start sticking the LED strip from one of the inner corners and when you reach the end you have to cut the inside frame as you can see in the image.
Make a hole in the frame to pass the cable from the led strip.
The illumination of our RGB infinity mirror is complete!
Now the Tricky Step...

Well, it's not complicated but it's the step that requires more attention.
Spray the glass using soap and water, believe me, it's the only way to apply the mirror film without leaving air bubbles. It requires a lot of effort and patience...
Do not rush this step, it will take some time until you get rid of the air bubbles.
When you finally get rid of them, cut off the excess mirror film.

Let's make the assembly of our RGB infinity mirror!
Let's start by putting the glass with the mirror film in the frame. The side of the film should be inward to avoid scratching.Then we put the inner frame with the LED's. Pass the power cord through the hole and if you did everything right, everything should be perfect.
Finally we put the mirror and close our frame. If all went well, the frame became an RGB Infinity Mirror!

Our RGB infinite mirror is complete!
It is very easy and doesn't take much time to build. The application of the mirror film requires more attention but the rest is quite easy! Hope you liked it and if you decide to build one for yourself don't forget to share in the comments.
I leave it to your imagination what to do with it ...
See you in next instructable!
PS: I'm going to put a heart in the center to offer my wife an infinity heart on Valentine's Day!