RGB Photoflood - the Hardware, an Arduino Project

by tekmakeruk in Circuits > Arduino

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RGB Photoflood - the Hardware, an Arduino Project


So, I was looking at the price of photo floods for photography and video production and baulking at the prices. I had previously used a battery powered one with 160 LEDs that cost around 20 GBP which was ok for basic photography lighting fill-in, that is to supplement room lighting. But for video you really need something more powerful.


Parts List (Amazon links are associate links for which I earn a small commission, you pay no extra at all)

My Outline


So my criteria was 

  • Must be mains powered
  • Must be RGB programmable for effects
  • Optional - can display scrolling messages
  • Must stand prolonged usage
  • Cheap enough to make several to provide multiple light sources, possible with differing tints.
  • Easy to construct and copy.

Common sense and available components said it should be Arduino based because

  • I have a drawer full (or did)
  • There are many variants as cheap as 3 GBP + postage and packing in multiple pack purchase
  • They are easy to program and have simple power needs, i.e. 5 volts the same as WS2812 LEDs

I have seen WS2812 256 LED programmable matrixes sold for as much as 70 GBP which makes me baulk! But a bit of research and some special offers on Ebay (other sources are available) had myself and my partner ordering one each on top of the one I already had sourced and tested some simple programs on. Now these are generally designed to have patterns, words and graphics displayed on them and I did buy a 8 GBP controller which can operate form a mobile phone and made some pretty patterns on one. I had heard a few people say that you should not run these 100% on all LEDs and it is also mentioned that the LEDs can become de-flowed, that is desoldered. Well you have been warned and the hobbyist is likely to be capable or soldering a few joints in the even of a problem. I think this will put out 5 Volts x 7 Amps = 35 Watts. Probably equivalent to 150 watts of incandescent lighting but with RGB control!

As for cooling I will be installing a PC cooling fan in each box. I reckon they consume 6.7 amps when fully on. You will need substantial wire from the 5V power supply to the LEDs as I managed to almost melt mine when trying to drive 3 LED matrixes at once!

The circuit was proved using an Arduino UNO on breadboard and I initially mounted the controls and resistors on prototyping board, even though this was only a half sheet i knew I had enough space for an Arduino Nano or Arduino Every. The Every is pin compatible and available in three packs, well I did want to build three of these so I ordered them from Ardiuno.cc

The assembled electronics. Use extreme caution with testing using mains voltages, it can be lethal. I will add a mains switch and 1 amp fuse and fuse holder and build it all into a box for safety.

The Circuit and 3 Videos

Circuit Diagram.png

RGB Photoflood part1 - the hardware, an Arduino project https://youtu.be/_oBho88mrvk

RGB Photoflood part 2 - coding the Arduino photoflood https://youtu.be/pl3h-4mZJZ0

RGB Photoflood part 3 - coding the Arduino message scroller (optional) https://youtu.be/B3IN2JVMQO0