Race to the Edge

by 1016076 in Craft > Digital Graphics

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Race to the Edge

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I made this diorama because this has always been my favorite movie ever sence I was younger. It was fun making this because I could add as much detail as I wanted and so that made it even more fun to make. The hardest part to make was the hands because it was hard to get the right shape for him to look like he was grabing the Dragon Eye.


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You will need a Tinkercad account

Building the Boat

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So first you will have to make a flat rectangle for each individual plank for the side walls. Then angle them in so that you get a flat point and the bottom. Then make a flat square for the floor and another on for the door. Then you take a square and make it fit the out side, so that you don't see the coners coming out when you put it in the back with the door..

Building the Table

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So first you will need to take 5 squares and make 4 of them in to poles. The last one you make a flat rectangle that looks like the top of a table. Then you make the lamp. You will have to make 2 hole rectangles so you can make the 4 poles in the corner of the square and then put a pyramid on top. Then make a yellow rectangle that goes inside the 4 pole in the corners.

Building the Peg Leg/Boot

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So first you take a cylinder and then take another cylinder but make it hole and put it inside of it. So that you would make a divot in the middle. Then take a ring and put it around the bottom of the cylinder. Then take a triangle and 2 rectangle and put and the bottom as well. Then to make the boots. First you take a sphere and make it an oval. Then take a cylinder and stick it in the top of it and make it sideways.

Building the Legs

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So first you will make 4 long cylinders for the leg parts. Then you will have to make 2 circles in to an oval for the muscle at the top of the leg. then you make some small spheres for the knees. Also you will need to make 2 halfs of an oval to make the muscle right before the boot/peg leg.

Building the Shield

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You first you will make a flat cylinder and make a smaller one to go inside of it. Then the body is a cylinder that is streched and beveled. Then you put a hole triangle to make the neck hole. Then take a ring for the belt and strech it so it can fit around the body. Then you will make a half sphere for the belt buckle.

Build the Arms

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So first you will make 4 slanted cylinder for the fore arms and biceps. Then make 2 half sphere for his shoulder guards. Then make 2 half cylinders guards for his biceps. Then make 2 cylinder and make them the shape of a hand. Then make fingers with paraboloids.

Building the Head

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So first make a sphere and make it an oval. Then make a sideways rectangle for his undershirt. Then make 2 ovals for the eyes and small sphere for the middle of the eye. Then make a nose out of a cone and make a half cylinder for the mouth.Then make a rectangle for the teeth. Then make a sphere for the bottom of his neck and a long cylinder for the neck.

Building the Hair

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So first you will make a cone for a piece of hair then you copy and paste it a lot of times. Then rotate untill you are pleased with how it looks.

Building the Dragon Eye

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So first you will make a cylinder and then make another cylinder that is 1/2 smaller than the last one. Then make one bigger than the first one and make it a flat point so it lookes like a dragon's face. That goes like 1/3 of the length of the first cylinder. Then make the back of it with a cylinder. Then you put everything that you just made together.