Rainbow Geo Art

This is a Geo art using the colours of the rainbow to make a cool design that could go on a wall or in a picture frame.

You will need
Red - Crayon and brush marker
Orange - Crayon and brush marker
Yellow - Crayon and brush marker
Green - Crayon and brush marker
Blue - Crayon and brush marker
1 - sheet of cardstock, acrylic paper or canvas
1 - pencil or pen
Make the Base.
You will make a diamond shape in the center of the page centred to each side using a pencil or pen.
Fill Outside of the Diamond.
Fill in the outside of the diamond with Horizontal and vertical lines.
Fill in the Inside of the Diamond.
Fill the inside of the diamond with Vertical lines.
Color in the Page
Fill the outside of the page with crayons and the inside with the brush markers.
Outside - Fill the 4 corners with the red crayon then start the rainbow using the crayons. Do Not fill the inside yet!
Inside - Fill the 2 ends of the diamond (long ends) with the red brush marker and then start the rainbow going on the outline of the diamond. Then fill the rest of it in from there with the markers.