Raspberry Pi Console

Hi, my name is Ashley Mahoni, and today I will be showing you how to build a Raspberry Pi game!!!. This is just what it will look like when you're done building your raspberry pi game. And I created this project for my math teacher ms Mok, because she was interested in building one for mr ang and to play, so i made instructions for her so she can build one herself.

The supplies you would need are a PCB, a raspberry pi board. Then have an HDMI plug with a power cable, and with a android charger. After you would need a mouse, and a screw driver, and a screen.
Connect Power Source

Now, you will need to connect the battery box to the Raspberry Pi board to activate it.
Plug in HDMI Source

Once you connected the battery source with the board, you will now grab your screen and HDMI, and connect the HDMI to the screen to send a digital signal for the output and input.
Now Connect the Screen

Afterwards, you will need to add the screen to the battery and board, and will then have the energy circulating throughout the power of the board to the other electronics.
Now Your Finished!

You are almost done!!. You just need to connect the power source for the screen to allow the HDMI source to transfer the Raspberry Pi boards power to the screen.