Raspberry Pi Pico Programable Remote Control Car
by caoow31 in Circuits > Raspberry Pi
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Raspberry Pi Pico Programable Remote Control Car

Hello, my name is Owen and today I am going to show you how to make a Raspberry Pi Pico (H) programable car.

Raspberry Pi Pico (H)
L298N Motor Driver
9V Battery and Connector
2 Gear Motors and Wheels
Scrap Cardboard
Control Wiring

Connect jumper wires to Pins 24,25,26,27 on the Raspberry Pi. Then connect the Pins to the motor driver. Please follow my colors and order because if you mix it up, the motors will go haywire.
Ground Pin Wiring

Connect another jumper wire to the ground pin 38 on the raspberry pi pico and the the middle slot of the power outages of the motor driver.

This is very hard to understand so listen up. Connect the 9v batter to it's connecter and screw the red wire into the first slot of the motor driver. Then fit the black wire with the ground wire in the middle slot. If you cannot get to stay, use a alligator clip wire to connect them like I did.
Motor Wiring

This wiring is just for the right motor but the left motor follow identically except you screw them into the left side, not the right. As you can see, I connected the jumper wires to the motor and screwed them into the right. Once again, please follow the order and color of my wires. Remember, the left motor is the same.

You can use any kind of cardboard design you like, but I chose this design becase it is small and fits things perfectly.

Copy this piece of code onto your Thonny window and run it. You should see your robot move forward, backward, turn left, and then right. Thank you for viewing and have fun with you Raspberry Pi Pico Programable Remote Control Car!
Taking It Further
If you want to learn how to run it without connecting it to your computer, learn how at my other instructable at https://www.instructables.com/Running-Any-Code-on-Raspberry-Pi-Pico-No-Computer-/