Raspberry Pi4 (RPI4) Dogecoin Node With Doge Stats

by MemerAus in Circuits > Raspberry Pi

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Raspberry Pi4 (RPI4) Dogecoin Node With Doge Stats


Guide to pull together a 'headless' Dogecoin Full Node using a RPI4 and an OLED screen as display.


RPI4 (I used 2gb model)

Suitable power supply

0.96" OLED display (ssd1306) - I didn't buy from here, but used this type with yellow top line for the Node Connections

4 x jumper cables (female to female)

Optional - Neo Case, the metal case I have doubles as a heat sink and it came with the second hand RPI4 I bought

Optional - Mining Doge lapel pin (I can't remember where I got him from)

Install Doge Node

dogecoin is awesome.png

This awesome tutorial from Dogecoin.awesome.com take you step by step through how to get the Dogecoin Node running on your Raspberry Pi.

Once installed it will begin the IBD (Initial Block Download) which can take a couple of days to fully download and sync to the blockchain (45GB or so download).

You can also download the bootstrap.dat which will speed up the download of the IBD but your RPI will still need time to verify the blocks. Make sure you have at least a 128gb SD card for this option.

You can download the bootstrap from here. Make sure you use the mainnet download.

To save the download in the right folder plug the following inot console:

CD ~ /.dogecoin

Once you are in there use the following to download the bootstrap.dat into the dogecoin folder

wget https://dogecoin.sfo3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/mainnet/bootstrap.dat

Reboot and the node will start verifying the bootstrap blocks. This can take a while!

Once done it will download the blocks that have occurred since the bootstrap was created.

You can check its progress in console by using:

dogecoin-cli getinfo

This will show you how many blocks are verified and also how many connections (should say 8 while IBD is in progress)

Match this with the block count on the below page to see how far off you are.


Once it is caught up you should see the connections go above 8. Much wow!

Ta da! Doge node running

Install OLED Stats Monitor


Once you have your node ticking along happily time to get onto the OLED display so you can see what your, RPI, Node and DOGE price is doing!

Follow this guide on GitHub by mklements (Thanks mklements!)

But instead of running his 'stats.py' script run this one in it's place:


The easiest way to replace it is with the following commands

cd OLED_Stats

rm stats.py

sudo nano stats.py

Then copy and paste the Doge stats script in there, save.

You will also need to make another DOGEusdt.py script and place it in the OLED_Stats folder.


Again as above

cd OLED_Stats (if youre not already in there)

sudo nano DOGEusdt.py

Then copy and paste the Doge DOGEusdt.py content in there, save.


Doge node.jpg
Screen Shot 2023-02-06 at 9.28.34 pm.png

Enjoy contributing to the Doge blockchain.

Don't forget to register your node at Tip My Node

When adding the uacomment line make sure it is in the first line in the .conf file and there are no spaces


While we are mentioning tips, feel free to send dog coin love DOGE Address:
