Raspberry Pi Zero As USB to HDMI
by Laurens-Wuyts in Circuits > Raspberry Pi
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Raspberry Pi Zero As USB to HDMI

Because of the size and price of the raspberry pi zero it's a perfect tool for taking with you.
As many phones, my phone doesn't have HDMI in his USB port, but it has USB tethering.
I'm going to explain how to use a raspberry pi zero to stream video's from android to your HDMI TV over USB.
Let's get started!
Setup Your Raspberry Pi

For installing software on the raspberry pi zero, you'll need an internet connection.
First burn a new Raspbian (Jessie) image to your SD card (4GB or more).
After that connect the Pi to a monitor and connect a keyboard and mouse to it. (Using a usb splitter or logitech nano receiver)
At first boot open terminal and enter
sudo raspi-config
Now select "Expand filesystem" goto finish and choose reboot.
After reboot again open a terminal and enter
sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
And press enter. At the end of this file add:
allow-hotplug usb0<br>iface usb0 inet static<br>address<br>netmask
That's it now reboot and connect your phone trough USB.
Now we're going to use our phone as WiFi point over USB tethering. I controlled the pi using a SSH App on my phone.
Connect a USB OTG cable to your raspberry pi and a standard micro USB cable to your phone.
Then on your phone go to settings, under WiFi press "more" choose "tethering" and enable USB tethering.
Now open your ssh app and enter as IP:
Open your ssh session, login and enter:
sudo apt-get install libao-dev avahi-utils libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev libva-dev youtube-dl
wget -O rplay-1.0.1-armhf.deb <a href="http://www.vmlite.com/rplay/rplay-1.0.1-armhf.deb"> http://www.vmlite.com/rplay/rplay-1.0.1-armhf.deb</a>
sudo dpkg -i rplay-1.0.1-armhf.deb
That's it.
Now on your phone open your browser and enter
There will be a popup where you need to enter:
Login: admin
password: admin
Now go to the end of the page and add this licence code:
Now your done on your Raspberry Pi Zero
Download Airplay App

I haven't found an app which mirrors my android phone completely, but I found an app in which you can now stream video's and music to you Raspberry Pi Zero. (I've noticed, that the app only streams .mp4 files)
App: Allconnect
Install the app, connect your phone by USB to your raspberry pi, enable USB tethering, go to allconnect, press the stream icon on the top (square with arrow) and stream your video's!
I hope you liked the tutorial. Feel free to ask questions, suggestions are also welcome.
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