Raw Minted Kale Smoothy
by SophiesFoodieFiles in Cooking > Vegetarian & Vegan
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Raw Minted Kale Smoothy

This afternoon, I made this delicious easy to make, very filling, healthy, power RAW power green minted kale smoothy! Check it all out! ;)
Easy---Healthy---Green Deliciousness! ;)
Recipe: For 1 really hungry person or 2 big smoothies!
1 stalk of kale cleaned, big stalk removed, cut up roughly
1 frozen banana
1 big pink grapefruit, peel, white bits & pits removed, cut up
250 ml water
30 smaller green mint leaves, cleaned & torn
2 teaspoons chia seeds
Blend Everything Together Into a Vitamix!
Place every ingredient in this order in your Vitamix & blend on high-speed until fully joined, using the tamper to push the ingredients into the running blades. This will take about 10 seconds .
Pour into 2 lovely smoothy glasses & enjoy with a thick straw! :) Yum!
You can find this tasty recipe also on my blog here: