Re-Pairing Your Ember

Autodesk's Ember is awesome, but like all hardware it is prone to human error.
If you happen to lose your printer sharing code, misspell your printer name, or you just thought of a cooler name for your Ember, there's a simple process you can follow to fix your problem.
For instructions on how to pair an Ember that is not currently paired, check out the support page here, Pairing Ember. This instructable assumes your printer is currently paired.
This process will also reset the wi-fi hotspot created by Ember, so you will need to look for the new wi-fi after you re-pair the printer.
Required Items

- USB to mini-USB cord
- Ember printer that is currently paired
Software (PC):
Software (Mac):
- Terminal
SSH Into Ember (Windows)

Once connected to your Ember by wire, bring up Putty and connect to
When prompted for login, type
Note: If the connection does not work at first, wait a minute and try again. Your computer may not have connected to the Ember yet.
SSH Into Ember (Mac)

Once connected to your Ember by wire, bring up terminal and type
ssh root@
Note: If you have a Remote Host Identification error, shown in the second picture, follow these steps
cd .ssh
rm known_hosts
ssh root@192.168.72
(At prompt)
Remove Activation File

Once logged in, simply type the following text to remove the activation file from your Ember.
Take note of the space between rm and /var/...
rm /var/local/smith_state
If you have issues, you can also try the following command
rm /var/local/wpa-roam.conf
Reset Ember

Once that's finished, power cycle your ember by removing and re-attaching the power cord.
Follow Original Pairing Instructions
Now your Ember is good as new and ready to be re-paired, re-named, and re-loved.
Just follow the original pairing instructions from here on.