Recycled Can Light

I made a lampshade out of cans and zip ties so you can recycle and have a cool lamp.

you need 16-20 zip ties, at least 2 cans you can use more based on the size of your lampshade, a light/lamp, box cutter, small clippers.
Cutting the Cans

You need to start out cutting the top and bottoms of the cans then at the seem of the can you cut straight down and flatten it. If the cans are dirty clean the inside with water or sanitizing wipes. Also, you can bend the edges of the cans so they are not sharp but if you want a bigger lamp shade I wouldn't recommend doing this. you can also just wear gloves.
Shape the Lamhade

Bend the can sheet around the lightbulb to get the right connections of both ends. then mark the corners so you can easily remember the spots for cutting wholes for the connections
Connect the Cans

to Connect the cans you must cut at least 2 wholes for the zip ties. then for each hole cut the head of a zip tie then put a full one through the hole then connect the zip tie that is just the head like the picture above. once you connect all the zip ties as tight as possible as shown above.
Make the Base of the Lamp Shade

attach four zip ties evenly and tighten them around the light bulb as shown above. If the lampshade you are making is bigger then make this out of wire or any stronger material.
Attach Lamp Shade

Finally set the lampshade on the base then mark a bit above the zip tie then cut a small hole for the zip tie then cut the head of another zip tie then connect it like before and shown above. if you want to add more strength you could put one on the inside before you put the lampshade on and viola you have created your recycled lampshade.