Recycled Metal Sculpture

I made a recycled metal sculpture because I thought that it would be a cool project to do and it decorates your room. It is good to reuse materials.
Materials Tools
Wire hammer
Wisk nails
Tea Tin wire cutter
Pennies hot glue gun
Tiny cake pan
2 forks

Get an empty tea tin with a lid.

Take the lid off and punch a slit 1in long with a hammer and nail.

On the back of the tin punch two holes with a hammer and a nail.

Take two forks and bend at a 90 degree angle and then bend the prongs up to make feet.

Get some metal tongs so they can fit around the tin can.

Bend the tongs to create arms and elbows.
Put the tongs on the back of the tin in between the two holes then take a wire, put one end through the bottom hole and one through the top then tie the wires together inside the tin.

Put the lids on then put the wisk in the top slit to make a head.

Then hot glue the pennies as eyes and hot glue the cake pan on top as a hat.

Hot glue the forks on the bottom of the tin to make legs and you are done.