Red Decorated Tin

For this Instructable I decorated a small tin with all RED. This includes painting, gluing, and so much fun!

For this Instructable you will need, Red paint, A hot glue gun, jewels, beads, and yarn.
*You can always make the same tin with a different color.

The first thing you will want to do is paint your tin with the color that you choose. I suggest you use acrylic paint. You will most likely have to put 3-4 coats of paint. Make sure you let the paint dry between coats for best results.
First Yarn

For the second step we will be hot gluing on yarn of your matching color. First, glue a string of yarn to the bottom of your tin. Once you get all the way back around the tin, keep gluing so that the second string goes above the first string but they are still touching. Repeat this until you have four strings on the bottom of your tin.
Second Yarn

To continue with the yarn, glue one strand of yarn about an inch down from the top of the tin.
First Jewels

Now we will be moving on to the jewels. For the jewels I used big circle jewels. You will need four of these. Hot glue the jewels on the center of the tin in-between the yarn spots. Make sure they are evenly placed all the way around the tin.
Second Jewels

For the second jewels you will need small rhombus shaped jewels and small heart shaped jewels. Glue a rhombus jewel sideways in the middle of the top part of the tin (above the top piece of yarn). Then glue a heart jewel next to the rhombus with just a small space between them. Next glue on another rhombus. Repeat this pattern all the way around the tin until you get back to the first jewel.

Now we are on to the beads. Glue on cylinder shaped beads on\in-between the second and third strings we glued on earlier. Do this all the way around the tin.

Finally the last step. This step is glitter. Now, I used nail glitter because it stays on the tin the best. So you will need to get matching glitter to your color. Then you are simply going to smear the glitter all around in the MIDDLE part of the tin. (in-between the two strings where the large round jewels are). And voilĂ , we have finished Good Job!