Redstone Number Displayer

This is my new screen number in redstone. I know this is not my invention, but I post an instructable of it

On a world (Flat or Infinite) make this base. You must understand a little bit the redstone to do the number displayer
First Layer

Build the first layer on the LEFT SIDE
Second Layer

Build the second layer. First and second image are to the left and the two last are at the right side
Third Layer

Build this at the left of the third layer. Be carefull of your connexion. Check the 2 last images
Fourth Layer

Build this. There is 2 side: The last image is Right and the 2 first are at the Left
Fifth Layer ... the Last One!

Build the last layer and be carefull of your connexions
Finish Touch

Follow the steps to finish the screen numbers. This machine actually works on MCPC or MCPE