Reinforce a Carton Board

I explain how to reinforce a carton board that was wet on corners. They are leak and start to beak up. Follow instructions when it's very dry.
Step 1: Tools

You need:
- some wood glue (that becomes transparent when it's dry)
- a pencil
- some water (a couple of spoons)
- 2 clamps
- 2 wood planks
Step 2: the Mixture

Take a large drop of wood glue, and mix it with some spoons of water. The result is a kind of milk, very fluid.
Step 3: Apply the Mixture

Apply the mixture on leak corners. The carton "drinks" the milk until it's full.
Step 4: Reshape (make It Flat), and Let It Dry

Put you carton between 2 planks of wood and tighten it with your clamps.
Don't let it more that 1 minute in that position, then release it, and let the mixture dry.
If you let it between the two planks, it will glue forever, and you will loose your job.
Do the same process to all leak parts of you carton. It's not pretty but solid. After that, you can paint it.