Removable Vinyl Decoration
by Hacedora in Craft > Digital Graphics
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Removable Vinyl Decoration

Hello!. I have created this giant vinyl to decorate a building size window and I would like to share it with the community. I leave you the files in vector format, which can be scaled and adapted to any size. Then, all you have to do is statically place it on your favorite stained glass window or non-porous surface. I also share the Mockup that I have done with it so that you can see how it looks. In addition, the file that I share with you is fully editable.
I hope you enjoy it.
You will need a computer and a cutting plotter, although you can always take it to a fablab, removable vinyl in three different colors, a spatula with a rubber or silicone edge, a vinyl peeler, fine-tipped tweezers, a sponge with water, and a vinyl carrier (optional).

just scale, cut, paste and share. To scale it use a program like Indesign, ungroup the design and scale it to the size you need. By ungrouping it you can also select any of its elements and independently modify its color, size, layout, etc. De todos modos comparto también su proceso íntegro de realización por si queréis aprender a realizarlo.
Before I started working with Inkscape, I printed the picture of the window in
A4 size and I checked that it was 20.5cm wide x 11.5cm high, so already in
«Inkscape» I selected a custom canvas of horizontal size of the same
measurements to start the design. I inserted an ellipse, filled it with red color to be able to
display it, selecting it, clicking on object, fill and border, I selected the inks
CMYK, I found the color red, clicked on it and filled the ellipse. It was filled in
degraded because I had the option on and I didn't care at the time since
then it would change its color to white. Then I inserted another inside it to create the halo.
I went to path and clicking on difference I took out the interior space that created the second

I moved the center of the circumference to the right to be able to raise it a little by
the left. I imported two silhouettes, a boy and a girl in png format. i got them
images from the “Freepick” image website, but since they were in jpg files, the
I exported to png with the Gimp program. I adjusted the size of the shape and the two figures
modifying the value in the upper bar in H, right next to the padlock. I selected all
at a time and clicked on object and group to reduce the size of the whole group so that
will occupy the appropriate size within the canvas

I clicked on object, ungroup. I repositioned the two figures again and adapted the ellipse.
I selected the girl, clicked on the object and scrolled down to the bottom to place her behind the ellipse. Now
I repeated the operation with the child but I placed him in front of her. I selected the ellipse and
clicking on the right mouse button I selected duplicate. I dragged out the new
off the canvas. I grouped the whole thing back together and repositioned it back inside the
canvas. I placed a star on the outside of the canvas, clicking on the toolbar
left over the star, I dragged with the mouse and placed it. I selected it and filled it
yellow by selecting the CMYK inks again first because I didn't check to see if
were selected or not. I selected in the same bar the edit tool
nodes and made the star more pointed by moving the inner node towards the center of the
star. I duplicated it three more times.

I reduced the stars to the desired size by selecting one by one and moving the arrows and
I placed them according to the sketch. To change the color of the children, I did it one at a time.
I selected one of them, clicked on path, vectorize bitmaps, several passes,
stack, remove background and apply. I repeated the operation with the other figure. I checked that each
one of them had been duplicated and I eliminated the one that was not vectorized, that is, the one that
increase it, the stripes were noticeable and it did not have a continuity in its lines. Then
I selected one of them and clicking with the mouse on the lower bar I selected the color
blue and applied it by dragging it with the mouse. I repeated the operation for the other figure.

I selected all the elements and grouped them. I inserted a rectangle that I filled with black and
I sent to the bottom to be able to see the white areas of the drawing. So I deleted all
the edges of design elements.
I selected the whole set and grouped it by clicking on group object. then i duplicated it
to work with a copy to make sure I don't mess up work already done.
I had to remove the piece of white halo that covered the boy's neck to give him
continuity and depth. I ungrouped the duplicate copy and removed all the elements
minus the halo and the child. I selected both at once, clicked on edit, copy, edit,
paste in place, path and division. Now the body of the child and the lines of the halo that
cut split. I took the piece of the part of his body that intersected with the
halo and placed it over him to create the visual effect that the child is in the halo. Is
the only way I found to do it, because otherwise the figure of the child
it always remained entirely on or behind the halo. I proceeded to insert the text. in the bar
tools on the left I clicked on the A and extended a writing area. In the bar
upper tools I selected the chosen font, and size 20, although not
matters because selecting the text once typed can extend and enlarge it. I returned
I selected the text, object, fill and border and filled it with white and removed the borders
Of letters. I grouped all Then I grouped them together with the rest of the elements. The
black rectangle I did not group it with them because my intention was not to print it, only that
serve as a contrast on the canvas to be able to see all the colors while editing.
I eliminated the two figures that were in the area outside the canvas. And the design is already
made in SVG file. During the realization of the process I was recording it so as not to
lose it.

It wasn't ready for a plotter to cut it yet, unless we wanted to print
first and then cut it for us from a piece to the size of our canvas, and to
to be able to place it in the window, it would have to be scaled and made a hundred times higher, it is
say, at 1:100 scale
Image 19: children can be seen above the halo of stars.
I saved the project, selected it, clicked on the top toolbar on the path,
and in path object. Later in the same bar I did about extensions, export,
save file-preprocess-as. And we would have it ready to share or send it
to the cutting machine, since we would need the plugin of the machine so that it
decode. Due to its dimensions I could not configure it in such a way that all the
elements to be held in place and transported at the same time, but I configured it
way to save material. They would all be arranged followed by the same colors, for
what the cuts would be a yellow layer, another white, and two blue. The piece of neck
it was on one layer just so it would sit above the white. I couldn't cut it
same layer as the other blues because when I configured it, it merged with the shape of the
Now you just have to send it to cut or rescale it according to the size that interests you. I hope you find this project interesting.