Retro Arcade

this is a great project for those who want to start working whit a raspberry pi
the design of this project also isn't very difficult you are free to chance the design in any way you like
you need:
a raspberry pi
a retro arcade game button set
a screen preferably one whit a VGA video output or newer
(if your screen has a different output then the raspberry pie then you will need a connector )
some sort of extension cable so that you can power everything
for the case
a material for the case preferably a soft wood type like mdf
access to a laser cutter
depending on how you connect the peace's of the case you may need some screws
Order You Components Firts

first order the electronic components so that you can start working om them whille you need to wait on some other parts
you can find the screen also in second hand shops
Start on the Design
while your components are on the way you can start the design of the case for your arcade this is completely up to you how you want to
i put a picter in of the design used in this project
your design properly isn't finished yet because you need the measurements from the buttons to complete the design
Setting Up the Raspberry Pi

setting up the Raspberry pi is quite easy
Start on the Electronics

now that you properly have you components you can start getting them to work
in most cases when you ordered the buttons you also received the control boards for them
i put an easy to read and to follow electrical circuit
Finishing Your Design
now that you have all of your components and know all of your measurements you can finish your design
and send them of to the laser cutter

now that you have everything together you can start on assembly
now your done time to play some games