Return of the Puppets

Hello fellow makers, and this is an instructable to tell you how to make the little "Star Wars" themed puppets I made a while back. Please vote for me in the Kids Contest!
What Did You Make?
I made a origami puppet. It's pretty cool, and by modifying the paper size, you can get it to fit anyone's finger. I made it out of paper and tape.
How Did You Make It?
I originally came up with the design a while ago, after I had read "The Strange Case Of Origami Yoda". I thought about making some more of the puppets from the book. So I went on Youtube, and found a video that showed how to make a origami Millennium Falcon. While Watching, at one point I realized, " Hey! That looks just like Yoda! So i made the original up to there, and then modified it to make other figures.
Where Did You Make It?
Well, I started watching the video at home, and then, after some practice, I got good at making it, so I started making it at other places. I was into acting at that time, so I made them in my free time at rehearsal, and gave them to my friends.
What Did You Learn?
One of the hardest parts to overcome in the beginning was some of the origami folds. Other than those, it was kind of a simple build. If I were to make it again, I would use nicer, neater folds to make the edges sharper.
What Did You Make?
I made a origami puppet. It's pretty cool, and by modifying the paper size, you can get it to fit anyone's finger. I made it out of paper and tape.
How Did You Make It?
I originally came up with the design a while ago, after I had read "The Strange Case Of Origami Yoda". I thought about making some more of the puppets from the book. So I went on Youtube, and found a video that showed how to make a origami Millennium Falcon. While Watching, at one point I realized, " Hey! That looks just like Yoda! So i made the original up to there, and then modified it to make other figures.
Where Did You Make It?
Well, I started watching the video at home, and then, after some practice, I got good at making it, so I started making it at other places. I was into acting at that time, so I made them in my free time at rehearsal, and gave them to my friends.
What Did You Learn?
One of the hardest parts to overcome in the beginning was some of the origami folds. Other than those, it was kind of a simple build. If I were to make it again, I would use nicer, neater folds to make the edges sharper.
Step 1

Get a piece of white paper, (Pic 1) and fold one corner down as far as it can go. (Pic 2)
Step 2

Get some scissors. Now fold along the bottom where the bottom of the triangle meets the top of the rectangle (Pic 1) Fold that edge up. (Pic 2) Unfold to have a crease, and cut along the crease. (Pic 3)
Step 3

Fold one corner of the rectangle up. (Pic 1) Now fold it sideways. (Pic 2)
Step 4

Unfold the fold you just made, (Pic 1) and cut it off. (Pic 2)
Step 5

Fold the square you just cut off in half. (Pic 1) Now fold it in half the other direction. (Pic 2) Unfold that fold to get a square again. (Pic 3) and now fold that in halt down the center (Pic 4)
Step 6

Fold both sides of the square into the center, but not actually touching the center.
Step 7

Take the two little lines going diagonally in each of the corners. (Pic 1) Fold them done along that crease. (Pic 2) There's an invisible line where the two bottom edges of the triangles meet. Fold down on that line. (Pic 3) Now, make a squash fold on the to part to turn it into Pic 4. Now pull the bottom halves of those triangles in separate directions, making it look like Pic 5
Step 8

Flip the puppet over. (Pic 1) If you're NOT making a Yoda, then fold the little ears into the back. (Pic 2) To make the height of the puppet look right, fold the bottom up a bit (Pic 3)
Step 9

Get some tape. (Pic 1) Cut off a short little piece, about two inches long. (Pic 2) Fold it onto itself to make double sided tape. (Pic 3) Finally, stick it on the back. (Pick 4)
You're Finished!

Congratulations for finishing making a origami puppet. Feel free to modify it however you want, this is just the base.