Reverse Engineering: Blender - Gruppe 6
by KEAprojects in Circuits > Electronics
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Reverse Engineering: Blender - Gruppe 6

This instructable contains the disassembly of the Logik blender L100BL 14E.
In the disassembly is followed by an explosive view of the blenders parts mounted on a wooden panel.
The goal of this exercise is to learn about manufacturing methods, while understanding how easy - or difficult it is to replace and recycle the different elements of the blender.
The instructable is made by:
Class A1 - Group 6 - Mads, Meho, Khuram, Frederikke, Jan & Mikkel
PRT - 2016 1st. Semester

Unscrew the four screws in the bottom of the base.
Three of the screws are the usual Philips head type, but the last one is a special triangular head type. (See picture)

Now we have access to the inner components.
But before pulling them out, we need to remove some of the stainless steel cover.
This is done by bending out the tiny flaps that are holding the cover in place.
The switch dial cover is now exposed, and can be removed.

Dismantle the screws on the module under the blender female clutch, so the whole module can be removed

Dismantle the rotor shaft and nut to the on/off button function thus loosening the wiring which is powered by the on/off control button and remove all the components.

It is now possible to remove the motor

Dismantle the screws on the assembly point for the motor mounting and mounting holder.

Dismantle the whole motor, including cables and wires

Dismantle the anti-vibration plate and the upper bearing.

Dismantle the carbon connectors

Pull off the fan mill and the washers behind the fan mill.

Disconnect the cables from the switch dial.

Dismantle the switch dial and pull out the four cobber connectors.

Pull out the rotor.

As the final step, the upper part is disassembled.
Now, you can see a short video of the dismantled blender.
The Result

Here you can see the final result of our project.
The parts from the blender are attached to a board with a glue gun and plastic strips.