Rice Koi Goldfish With Multigrain Pudding Filling
by curlmoohi in Cooking > Dessert
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Rice Koi Goldfish With Multigrain Pudding Filling

Who doesn't like goldfishes? I mean they are cute and fascinating with their vibrant colors and amazing fins. As a kid, I could watch goldfishes in aquariums the whole day. Inspired by my 'fish obsession' I made some Koi Goldfishes that are popular in Asian countries.
These homemade Rice Koi Goldfish With Multigrain Pudding Filling dumplings are fun to make with easy recipe and are also very nutritious. I've used multigrain flour in the filling that contains six grains namely wheat, oat, maize, chickpea, soya, and psyllium husk. These are multicolored and look almost realistic. and You can make bigger ones too but smaller ones look more cute....hehe.
I gave one to my 4 year old niece to have and he stared at it for a couple of minutes before biting it from its tail. We all had a good laugh ;-P
Do try these and get them surprised as well.
Here is how you can make Rice Koi Goldfish With Multigrain Pudding Filling yourself.
Goldfish Rice Skin
- Glutinous Rice Flour - 160g or 1 cup
- Boiling water - 170 ml
- Vegetable Oil - 20ml
- Red, Yellow, and Black Gel Food Colors - 2 drops each
Yellow Split Gram Filling
- Multigrain Wheat Flour - wheat (90.9%), soya(5.2%), chickpea(0.5%), oat(1.4%), maize(3%), and psyllium husk(1.1%) - 1 cup or 120 g
- Butter - 3 tbsps. or 44 ml or 44 g
- Olive oil - 3 tbsps. or 44 ml or 41 g
- Saffron strands - 1 Pinch
- Cardamom pods - 3 pods
- Semolina – 1tbsp. or 10 g
- Gram Flour – 1 tbsp. or 10 g
- Sugar – 1/2 cup or 100 g
- Water – 1/2 cup or 100 ml
- Digital Kitchen Weighing Scale -1
- Drinking Straw -1
- Butter Paper - 2 (A4 sized Sheets)
- Very Sharp Knife - 1
- Mixing Bowls - 2
- Small Bowls -2
- Spoon - 1-2
- Stirring Spatula -1
- Non-Stick Frying Pan -1
- Saucepan -1
- Wire Grill Rack -1
- Baking Tray -1
- Oven
Cook Flour

- Take a deep frying pan and heat it on medium flame.
- Once heated, add 3 tbsps. or 44 ml or 44 g butter and let it melt. Note: While using butter then, the flame low or otherwise it will burn.
- Once the butter is melted, add in 3 tbsps. or 44 ml or 41 g of Olive Oil and let it heat. Olive oil will prevent the butter from burning.
- When the oil is heated, turn the flame to medium and add 1 tbsp. of gram flour and 1 tbsp. of semolina to it and cool till slightly brown. Stir them and cook till they turn slightly brown but don't let them burn.
- Now add in the multigrain wheat flour, stir, and cook until it turns slightly brown as well. Note: Stir continuously to avoid burning. The gram will slowly develop a sandy texture.
- Now let the pudding cook on low flame.
Note: Note: I have used readymade multigrain wheat flour that you get in the grocery store. If you can't find the same, then make your own wheat flour by grinding wheat (90.9%), soya(5.2%), chickpea(0.5%), oat(1.4%), maize(3%), and psyllium husk(1.1%) in a mixer to a fine powder.
Sweet Syrup

- Take a saucepan and add 1/2 cup or 100 ml of water to it. Bring the water to boil on medium flame.
- Add 1/2 cup or 100 g of sugar to the boiling water and stir. Let the sugar dissolve completely.
- Then add 1 pinch of 3 opened cardamom pods and saffron strands pods to the syrup.
- Once the syrup becomes sticky and thick in consistency, remove it from the flame.
Sweeten Multigrain Pudding

- Slowly and carefully add in the sugar syrup to the multigrain pudding which is cooking on low flame and stir continuously.
- Cook and stir till the pudding absorbs all the sugar and the water evaporates.
- In the end it would look something like the picture above.
- The Multigrain Pudding is ready. Turn off the heat and let it cool.
Rice Dough

- Take 160 g of glutinous flour in a large mixing bowl.
- Add in 170 ml of boiling water to it.
- Mix it well with your fingers or either use a mixing stand to mix the flour.
- Once you do that, start combining and kneading the dough.
- After the dough looks even and is kneaded properly, make a ball with it having no cracks.
- Put some oil on it, and set aside.
Fill Colors

- Squeeze out 3 small portion balls from the dough approx. 10 grams each. Keep the remaining dough aside.
- Add 2 drops of red, yellow, and black gel colors to each of them as shown. Knead the doughs balls separately to distribute colors over the dough balls evenly.
Note: Wash hands after kneading each color. Otherwise, the colors may mix.
Make Fish Body Base

- Take the white dough and roll it into a cylinder with 4 cm radius approx.
- Take the colored doughs and roll them into thin cylinders as well with 0.5 cm radius approx.
- Slice out small discs from the colored cylinders with a sharp knife or dough scraper as shown.
- Squeeze and Stick the colored discs randomly on the white dough as shown from all sides.
- Roll the cylinder a couple of times on the surface so that the colored discs are stuck evenly on the white cylinder dough.
Cut Fish Body Base

- Now divide the cylinder into 9-10 equal portions (18 g each) with the help of a sharp knife or dough scraper.
- Roll the dough into small balls in between your palms.
- Repeat this step, for all the pieces.
Shape Fish Body

Here comes the fun part of shaping the fish. For this,
- With the help of a rolling pin, roll out the dough ball into a small circle on a rolling board.
- Place a small amount of Multigrain Pudding in the center.
- Bring together the opposite sides of the circle and close the ends applying little water. Refer to the picture above.
- Then, bring one end of the dough upwards and lay it on top of the fish body as shown, and close. This will make the head of the fish.
- Finally, move to the other end, and close the other end with water as shown.
- Repeat this step, for all the goldfishes.
Shape Fish Tail

- To make the fish tail, apply pressure with your fingers and spread and flatten the tail part of the fish.
- Take a sharp knife and make 2 cuts on the middle of the tail as shown.
- Now make several thin cuts on the entire tail as shown.
- Take the left and right parts from the middle and twist them over as shown to make the caudial final tail.
- Repeat this step, for all the goldfishes.
Shape Dorsal Fin

- To make the dorsal fin, Make two marks with knife on the top of the fish body as shown.
- Use your fingers to bring out the dorsal fins by pressing the dough between the insertions as shown.
- Repeat this step, for all the goldfishes.
Final Detailing

For final detailing, make the scales and the face of the goldfishes.
- Let's start with the fish scales. Take a straw and poke the body of the fish body multiple times to make the marks appear as scales, leaving the head and the tail. Don't poke too hard otherwise the straw will make deep insertions and we don't need that. Refer to the picture for more clarity.
- To make the mouth of the fish, take the straw and poke it on the mouth area as shown.
- For eyes, take 2 flax seeds, and stick them on the eye area.
- Paint the eyes, with black gel color and paint brush to make them more defined as shown.
- Repeat this step, for all the goldfishes.
Voila! The goldfishes are ready to be cooked and steamed.

- Preheat the oven to 180 degree Celsius for 10 minutes.
- Cut out rectangles out of butter paper or oiled/greased A4 paper.
- Place the goldfish pieces separately on the butter paper as shown.
- Once the oven is preheated, place the fishes with butter paper on a wire rack.
- Fill a baking tray with water up to the brim and place it in the oven at the end.
- Place the wire rack just above the baking tray.
- Let the fish steam for 20 min at 180 degree Celsius till the outer skin becomes translucent.
Note: I did not have a steamer at home so I had to use an oven to steam the fishes. You can also use a steamer for this step.
Ready to Serve

The Rice Koi Goldfish With Multigrain Pudding Filling are ready! Serve them right away hot or cold with some sweetened cream cheese and vanilla and you'll just love it!
Thank me later ;')