Robotic Hand

This Instructable will outline the steps in making a robotic hand using low-cost material.
Rubber bands
Paper clips
Sanding blocks
Exacto knife
Fishing line
5 servo motors
Glue gun
Making the Hand Out of Foam

First, use one of your group member's hand and outline it on a piece of paper, like the following picture. Then you will use an exacto knife to cut out the fingers, palm, and forearm using foam. After that, sand out the edges. Finally cut out the fingers into 3 sections using your model joints and cut out angles on each section so they can bend like in the second picture.
Assembling the Hand

The first step in assembling the hand is glueing rubber bands on each finger so that it becomes one piece. The next step is drilling a small hole in each segment part's middle and putting the fishing line through it. Then using the palm cut the paper clips so that you can put them in the palm and put the fishing line through them. Finally, glue the sensor motors to the palm and attach the fishing line to the motors.

To find the volume and waste of the finger, you must make a code in Python. Both codes are shown in the pictures. To make the fingers move you will need an Arduino code shown above.