Rock Paper Scissors Game With CMD
by NotePro in Craft > Digital Graphics
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Rock Paper Scissors Game With CMD

This is the classic Rock Paper Scissors game recreated into batch. I used inspiration from a previous instructable of mine to create a functional AI opponent. This game can be played with 1 or 2 players.
As always, you will need notepad and the ability to copy and paste.
The Program

rem Copy and paste everything.
@echo off
title R P S
echo This game was created by NotePro
echo Would you like to play 2 player or single player?
choice /c 123456789 /n /m "press the number of players you wish to play with"
set /a players = %errorlevel%
if %players% GTR 2 echo how do you play with %players% players? && pause> nul && goto menu
if %players% == 1 set /a p1 = %random% && call :AI
echo player1
echo R, P, S?
choice /c rps1234567890qwetyuioadfghjklzxcvbnm /n
set /a p1 = %errorlevel%
if %errorlevel% GTR 3 goto error
echo player2
echo R, P, S?
choice /c rps1234567890qwetyuioadfghjklzxcvbnm /n
set /a p2 = %errorlevel%
if %errorlevel% GTR 3 goto p2
goto %p2%
if %p1% == %p2% echo p1: Rock p2: Rock -- Tie!
if %p1% == 2 echo p1: Paper p2: Rock -- Player1 wins!
if %p1% == 3 echo p1: Scissors p2: Rock -- Player2 wins!
goto top
if %p1% == %p2% echo p1: Paper p2: Paper -- Tie!
if %p1% == 1 echo p1: Rock p2: Paper -- Player2 wins!
if %p1% == 3 echo p1: Scissors p2: Paper -- Player1 wins!
goto top
if %p1% == %p2% echo p1: Scissors p2: Scissors -- Tie!
if %p1% == 1 echo p1: Rock p2: Scissors -- Player1 wins!
if %p1% == 2 echo p1: Paper p2: Scissors -- Player2 wins!
goto top
if %p1% LSS 4 goto p2
if %p1% GTR 1000 set /a p1=%p1% -997
set /a p1= %p1% -3
if %p1% LSS 4 goto p2turn
goto AI
echo AI - Choice made
timeout /t 1 /nobreak> nul
goto p2
Final Thoughts
This is a project based off of CMD %random% Variable Controller. I hope you enjoy this project!
(Remember to save the file with the extension .bat)