RotoZip Into RoutoZip

Holy useless tool Batman!
Right you are robin the Rotozip has been the most useless tool on my utility belt.
OK. That was silly. But it is true that I have struggled to find relevant uses for this tool that was gifted to me nearly 10 years ago. Recently I have started woodworking a little. I could use a small router because my larger router was under the router table. I really didn't want to plunk down $$$ for one. Then it hit me, what is a rotozip but a hand held router without a base. Bosch apparently discontinued their router base attachment for this thing to obviously reduce the usefulness, but I was not to be deterred. To Google Sketch-up I went where I played around till I came up with something that looked like it might work. i have made it available but please remember that it was just to get an idea of what i wanted to do and not really a true blueprint. So lets get started.
Materials you will need:
scrap material at least 1/2" thick for base and router holder 6"x6" and 3"x6" ( the more durable the better) I used PVC and polycarbonate.
3/8" all-thread about 10" long
3/8" nuts 4
2 screws
Tools to make the job easier:
Band saw
Drill press
hole saws
The Router Base Plate

Tool Clamp

I used a 1 1/2" hole saw to create the middle hole. It was 1 1/2" for my tool but I think some may differ. Be sure to check your model and get the appropriate fit. It is better to be too small and sand outward to have a snug fit, but because we are going to cut it up it doesn't have to be perfect.
Not shown above is the step where I drilled the screw holes for the actual clamping action. I drilled halfway between the 1 1/2" hole and the 3/8" hole on each side with a 1/8" drill bit. The bit needs to penetrate roughly 2 1/2".
Cut the block as seen in the picture with roughly 1/4" material missing as shown. Again I used a band saw for all this work.

I used epoxy to thread the all-thread into the base plate. Use a square to try and get the all-thread at a perfect 90 from the base plate on all sides. put a nut on each piece of all thread to hold the clamp up at the desired level. Place the clamp on and secure with the other two nuts. Use the clamping plate to help stabilize everything while the epoxy sets up.
Once everything is set up, simply put the Rotozip in the clamp and secure it with screws in the holes you have drilled on the end.
Congrats you are finished. Now go rout stuff Routy Routerson.