Run Minecraft on Your Flash Disk

by thepcgeek in Living > Video Games

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Run Minecraft on Your Flash Disk


Sometimes, Minecraft cannot run in it's default directory %appdata%.

This Instructable will show you how to run Minecraft on your flash disk or in a separate directory.

Let's get started!

Copy the Minecraft Launcher to Your USB


Copy the Minecraft Launcher executable to your flash disk or Minecraft will not work.

You can download the Minecraft Launcher from

Create & Write the Launch Script

First, hold left shift and then right click. Click "Open Command Window Here".

Then, type the following command: "copy nul launch.bat"

Now, open the script and write the following code:


@echo off


title Minecraft Launcher

if not exists minecraftdata mkdir minecraftdata

set APPDATA=%~dp0minecraftdata



When you are done, launch the script!

You're done!