S10 Knex Shotgun

by Oblivitus in Living > LEGO & K'NEX

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S10 Knex Shotgun

PICT0002 (2).JPG
Description: A true trigger, knex shotgun pistol that gets 20 feet of range and fires 10 gray connectors at once in about a 5 foot spread.
Loading: To load, you remove the elastics from the mag pusher (as shown in picture 3) and load 10 gray connectors in from the top. You then put the elastics back onto the pusher and pull the trigger to fire.
How It Works: The gun works by putting a near equal amount of pressure on the red connector that is the firing mech, and the mag pusher. Near equal, because there is one more elastic on the firing mech than there is on the pusher. This keeps just enough additional pressure on the mech to prevent the gun from firing itself. When the trigger is pulled, the imbalance flips by reducing the tension on the mech to the point that the mag pusher has more elastic tension pulling on it, and the gun fires. Because the range is dependent on the amount of tension on the pusher and because the pusher moves up as the rounds leave the gun during firing, each successive round reduces in velocity as it exits, creating vertical spread. The horizontal spread is created by the guns inaccuracy.
Plans For The Future: Because of its unique system, there is no limit to the range that this system is capable of. A stronger design will hold more elastics and get greater range. My hope is that either myself or one of you will create a bigger, sturdier version of this gun, it could be assault pistol sized, rifle sized, or even larger, that will have more range.

Credits: Based on Louis XIV's Semi Auto
