SIP Arjun_robotic Kit

If you were found of rc car..then this tutorial will help you build your own rc bot at home.
This rc bot can be controlled by just your phone.
In this project I am coding the rc bot with arduino which can be downloaded from the arduino website.
I have added every circuit diagram and explanation to make it easier for you.
It's a good idea for college projects and prior knowledge is required.
This rc bot can be controlled by just your phone.
In this project I am coding the rc bot with arduino which can be downloaded from the arduino website.
I have added every circuit diagram and explanation to make it easier for you.
It's a good idea for college projects and prior knowledge is required.
Supplies Needed

12 V battery
Arduino uno HC05 Bluetooth chip
Bo motor
Bo wheels
L293 moto driver
Ultrasonic sensor
Rubber band
Caster wheels
Bo motor clamp
Acrylic base and top
Screw driver
Arduino uno cable
Arduino uno HC05 Bluetooth chip
Bo motor
Bo wheels
L293 moto driver
Ultrasonic sensor
Rubber band
Caster wheels
Bo motor clamp
Acrylic base and top
Screw driver
Arduino uno cable
Solder All Motor and Attach Them to Base

Solder each motor with a black and a blue wire and attach them with the chiassis as shown
Attach them to base with no motor clamp
One the front attach the roller to the base so that the bot is able to move and be stable during the time of controlling .
Attach them to base with no motor clamp
One the front attach the roller to the base so that the bot is able to move and be stable during the time of controlling .
Connect the Motor to Motor Driver

Join the red and black terminals of motor on each side to motor driver output
Connect Motor Driver to Arduino

Then join the four control pin of motor drive to arduino 2nd,3rd,4th,5th socket using M-F wires
Join Motor Driver to Ultrasonic Sensor

Join the motor driver to ultrasonic sensor from -5+ to ground and vcc of the sensor using F-F wires
Positive side of motor driver to vcc of ultrasonic sensor
Negative side of motor driver to ground of ultrasonic sensor
Positive side of motor driver to vcc of ultrasonic sensor
Negative side of motor driver to ground of ultrasonic sensor
Connect Motor Driver Power Supply to Arduino

Take M-M wires and connect motor driver power supply to arduino vinand ground
Positive side to vin of arduino
Negative side to ground of arduino
Positive side to vin of arduino
Negative side to ground of arduino
Add Ultrasonic Sensor to Base and Connect Sensor to Arduino

Connect the echo and trig section of ultrasonic sensor to the 13th and 12th section of digital arduino socket.
Connect ultrasonic sensor to the base using Rubber bands.
Connect ultrasonic sensor to the base using Rubber bands.
Connect the HC05 Module to the Arduino

The Bluetooth module has four primary points which are:
Now the gnd and vcc of the Bluetooth should connect to ground and 5v of the power side of the arduino respectively.
The connecionare done using M-F wires.
Next the Tx of Bluetooth Is connected to 10th port of arduino
Rx of Bluetooth connected to 11th port of arduino
Now the gnd and vcc of the Bluetooth should connect to ground and 5v of the power side of the arduino respectively.
The connecionare done using M-F wires.
Next the Tx of Bluetooth Is connected to 10th port of arduino
Rx of Bluetooth connected to 11th port of arduino
Attach the Led to Arduino

Using a bread board the led is attached to the arduino with the positive end to 8th port of arduino
And negative side to ground in the digital side of the arduino.
Make sure there is a resistor at the positive side of the led to prevent burn out.
The connection are made using M-M wires
NOTE:longer side of led is positive and shorter side is negative
And negative side to ground in the digital side of the arduino.
Make sure there is a resistor at the positive side of the led to prevent burn out.
The connection are made using M-M wires
NOTE:longer side of led is positive and shorter side is negative
Cross Check Your Connection Before Uploading Your Code

Upload You Code to Your Arduino
Connect to arduino to your laptop using the arduino uno cable and upload the code.
Before you upload make sure you have downloaded all the necessary files into your library and check the port through which your sending the code to.
"in this code change the code letters from 'B' to 'F' and 'F' to'B' also do the same for 'L' to 'R' and 'R' to 'L'.then upload the code"
Connect Your Battery,download the App

Pair the bluetooth module to the app.
Check the module is blinking fast without pairing.
Pair the module with your smartphone.Enter '1234' or '0000' as password.
After pairing own the app and choose the HC05 module,then chek if the led of Bluetooth has stopped.
Check the module is blinking fast without pairing.
Pair the module with your smartphone.Enter '1234' or '0000' as password.
After pairing own the app and choose the HC05 module,then chek if the led of Bluetooth has stopped.
Use the respective controls and move the car according to your need.
Your rc bot is now ready
Your rc bot is now ready