Sacrificial Table Saw Fence Clamp Storage

by KellyCraig in Workshop > Tools

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Sacrificial Table Saw Fence Clamp Storage


There are times you need to make a cut so close to the table saw fence it can damage it. To avoid this, what is called a sacrificial fence is used.

A sacrificial fence simply attaches to your existing fence and makes contact with the blade. Essentially, the blade is raised up into it cutting out the area the blade touches.

There are many ways to attach the fence. The method shown in the pictures is an example using commercial clamps that drop into holes drilled in the sacrificial fence and that clamp to the main fence. These run from around five dollars to about twenty dollars (so shop a bit, if looking for a set on line).

For me, the best way to store the clamps is with the sacrificial fence, or I find myself spending a lot of time trying to find them again. Said another way, I loose too many things I put in places I wouldn't lose them.

For that reason, I came up with this method to insure my clamps and fence are never separated.


To allow me to store the clamps with the fence, and to do so without having to spend significant time adjusting the clamps to lock to the fence, I merely cut slots into the top of the fence and slip Velcro through the slots to hold the clamps to the fence.

To make the slots, I just drilled two holes about one inch a part. They only need to be far enough apart to allow you to slip the Velcro through, once the two holes are joined. The drill bit size needs to be an eight of an inch (1/8") or more, so the Velcro can slip through the slot easily.

Once the hole was drilled, I used a scroll blade in my hand held jig saw to join the two holes. I cut once for the top of the two hole and once for the bottom.

The two slots can be located by installing the clamp posts in the holes used to mount the sacrificial fence to the regular fence, then marking for the two holes that will be joined at about the middle of the clamp and down about a half inch (1/2"), give or take some and as can be seen in the photos.

Once the holes are joined, you merely need to slip a piece of Velcro through each slot, lay your clamps on the board and secure them with the Velcro, as shown.