Scissor LED Desk Lamp

by diegozalezz in Circuits > LEDs

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Scissor LED Desk Lamp

Scissor Desk Lamp

This is a desk lamp that can be regulate to any position covering completely a table and you can put it real close when soldering and harder when reading, another advantage of the scissor mechanism is that is very compact when close. The LED's make this lamp head very slim so it isn't in the way as much as a bulb light.

I can't recommend enough to see the video before


- 14 Popsicles: package of 50: 2,45€

- 18 Rivet: package of 25:1,18€

- 2 Angle 20*20:0,25€ each

- 1 Angle 30*30 1,64€

- 50*35*0.3cm Aluminum bar 2m*35cm is 6,75€

- 2m electrical cable 1€

- 12v 1amp transformer 4€ in amazon

- 87cm LED strip 10€ in amazon

- LED strip dimer 2€ in amazon

- screws washers and nuts

- 8 Normal rivet

- hinge package of 2: 3.95€

Prepare the Pop Sticks

Captura de pantalla 2016-10-02 a las 22.26.06.png

Dril 3 holes in 15 pop sticks i recommend making a little jig with nail and some wood the holes one have to be in the center and the other tow center side ways and the same distance from the side edge to de center than de distance from the length edge like in the picture, now two of the pop sticks need to be cut in half being left with two holes

Make the Scissor

Captura de pantalla 2016-10-02 a las 23.07.39.png

Start assembling 10 sticks in X pattern with the small rivet so you have 5 X when hammering the rivet do it slow and check if the are secure and can move freely now unify all X's at both edges add the half stick in the bottom and at the top the full stick follow by rivet in the middle of the long stick and trow the edge of the half stick only in the left side leaving the other side unattached like the picture

The Wire

Captura de pantalla 2016-10-02 a las 23.16.13.png
Captura de pantalla 2016-10-02 a las 23.17.18.png

Drill two of the smallest hole you can close to the rivet in the bottom of the sticks and with a coper wire tie the wire to the sticks making sure that the cable stays in place, a tip when drilling the holes is to place some kind of instant glue in both sides to prevent splits in the wood and another tip is to secure the copper cable with instant glue

Place the LEDs

Captura de pantalla 2016-10-02 a las 23.19.08.png

Place as many LED in two aluminum plates of 200*35mm the amount i use is more than enough and solder positive with positive and negative to negative in a zig zag like the picture and solder the LED dimer red is positive and black negative

Assemble the Two LED Plates

Captura de pantalla 2016-10-02 a las 23.23.34.png
Captura de pantalla 2016-10-02 a las 23.24.50.png
Captura de pantalla 2016-10-02 a las 23.31.37.png

Cut two 15*35mm plates of aluminum drill at edges and bend in the middle at a 30 degrees more or less, the drill the plates that we make before and place the brackets with rivets, File two angles so they don't stick out the the are place in the meddle space with the with of the stick, and mounted like the 30 degrees bracket

The Head With the Arm

Captura de pantalla 2016-10-02 a las 23.35.58.png

Place a screw through the angles and the stick tie the nut until it doesn't fall but you can move it

Height Regulator

Captura de pantalla 2016-10-02 a las 23.42.31.png

Get the last stick and unify the two holes like the picture, copy this int o sheet of metal from a can then glue the two pieces follow by using a file to smooth the edges

The Support

Captura de pantalla 2016-10-02 a las 23.45.13.png
Captura de pantalla 2016-10-02 a las 23.45.33.png

Copy the sketch into a pice of aluminum follow by drilling and taping the holes, file and sand all the edges so its not sharp attach this to the hinge with rivets and assemble everything like the video in the minute 13:48


Captura de pantalla 2016-10-02 a las 23.52.50.png
Captura de pantalla 2016-10-02 a las 23.54.34.png

This is very easy just solder from the power brick to the arm cable positive with positive and negative with negative and the same with the arm cable and the led dimer just one more thing cover every thing with electrical tape


This turn out to be a great project and very useful Thanks for reading and i will answer any comment