Scrap Fabric Rope Bag

Using some scrap fabric and cotton cord, I made this beautiful boho bag for summer. It was so fun and easy to make, and there are so many variations you could create with this simple process.
cotton fabric scraps
sewing machine
large spool of thread
large button
rotary cutter
straight pins
waxed thread
Cut Strips

Cut scraps into strips that are between 1/2" and 3/4" in width.
Once you've cut up your strips, toss them all together so you can choose different patterns randomly.
Start Wrapping

Wrap your first strip around the end of the cotton cord as shown and stitch in place with a zig zag stitch.
Continue Wrapping

When you get to the end of strip, add another strip on top of the end of the last one. Continue to wrap and stitch as you go.
Wrap Rope

I honestly, don't know how much of this rope I made, but it was a lot. It was quite relaxing to make, and I found I enjoyed it quite a bit. The worst part was when the bobbin would run out and I'd have to stop to refill it.
Back Piece

Stitch the rope in a spiral as shown with a zig zag stitch. You can make this piece as large or as small as you'd like. It will determine the size of the bag.
You need the bulk of the spiral to be to the left of the needle, so if you begin stitching and find that it's on the right (like in my first image) simply pull it out and flip it over before continuing.
Leave a tail of rope on the end about 6" long.
Front Piece

For the front, you're going to create another spiral, but hold it up at a slight angle while you stitch. This will create the rounded front.

For the strap, I used the cotton cord alone instead of coating it in fabric. Decide how long you want your strap to be and fold it at that length. Stitch down the cord starting at the fold. When you get to the end, rotate and continue adding more cord until you're happy with the width.
Pin Front

To allow the back piece to fold over the front, it needs to be cut down at the top. fold the front piece under and fold the back over the top. When you're happy with the placement, pin the edges and center of the top piece where it needs to be cut.
fold the top piece in half so the two side pins line up.
Cut Front

Cut from the side pins to the center pins.
Take a piece of cord and stitch it along the cut edge.
Attach Strap

Fold the back piece over the front and pin the strap in place. Be sure not to stitch above where it will fold.

Place a button in the center front of the bag and fold the back over to meet it. With the 6" tail of cord left on the end of the back piece. create a loop that will fit around the button and stitch it in place as shown.

Using some waxed thread, stitch the button to the center of the front piece. However, instead of pulling the thread tight on the back, leave a tail on the end of each piece. Tied the ends in one knot together, but don't tie it tightly against the fabric. Leave a bit of room so the rope loop on the front can go behind the button.
To keep the button from sliding down on this extra thread, Tie some additional thread around the excess on the front as shown.