Screen Time Inspector

Screen time. AH screen time. You do not know how long it has been and how bad it is. So being a 13 year old programmer think of a solution. After thinking and brainstorming, there is a solution. A good one, I think?
Introducing the screen time inspector, this is a python program which works in the background. As a person will open his/her computer, the program will be turned on manually. As time will go, the program will display sounds and images or even videos reminding the person about time. As the time limit will reach more and more warning will appear. The twist is it is an angry Asian mother, yes there will be more and more roasting and nagging.
Note: The program doesn't mean any types of racism towards the Asian community, there is only difference in the accent in the program.
- Pycharm or any python compiler.
- A desktop computer or laptop.
- AI voice :

Before making the program it is important to plan and perfectly define the topic.
So a program to monitor screen time.
So the program will be made like the flow chart shown in the start of step 1 (created on creately).
This code will be made on PyCharm and will be programmed in Python.
The big orange block is step of events that will happen while using the laptop.
Programming the Timer

This program is the timer. This module will help us keep the track of time.
so try here
example is only 60 seconds
Programming Events:Adding Sounds

Now in this part we will create the events. These events will include sounds only.
Over here I have 70 seconds.
I have used AI voice to create asian voice. I have made 8 sounds and downloaded them and also uploaded them. It is important to rename the files before using them.
I used the function winsound to play sounds. In order to play them just import winsound and put the sound files with the program saved in the same folder. After that if using pycharm you will see the files over here:
The files should be in .wav form.
then refer to this video.Then input this program.
Note: The timer is not a stopwatch it is a countdown
You can add different sounds at different times or put a repeating sound after a specific time.
Programming Events: Adding Sounds and Pictures

Some of you may have noticed this:
Yes this is an image or gif to be exact. So how to display images and vids? So the function web browser helps to open and deal with web browser through python code. So it is easy import webbrowser and then write'and here paste the link'). We will take the 70 seconds example again.
It is not too hard it is easy you just need to do the other steps.
Grand Finale

Now after the timer hits 0 now it is time for a great ending.
Now over here we will put a forever loop and put some angry status here. The forever loop will be a while loop. In which the statement will stay the same forcing the person to close the laptop or the program.
This is it then.
You can increase the time to 1 hour etc and put other things too but over here for a good representation this is for 70 seconds.
The program is send in to be easily downloaded. HERE