Secret Book Compartment

I will be showing you how to create a hidden compartment inside of a book.
Book(preferably thick)
Box Cutter
Something to trace(optional)
Marking Pages

Go about a quarter of the way through your book and put a bookmark. Put the second bookmark another quarter of the way through the book or however many pages thick you want the compartment to be. This part will be hollowed out.

Start gluing together all the pages between the bookmarks. You only need to glue the outside inch of each page.

Go to the front of the first page you glued and trace a rectangle the size for whatever you want to hide. Make sure there are at least about 2 centimeters between the edge of the book and the hole.

Start the cutting on the outline using the box cutter. Leave the last 10 glued pages uncut. This will hold whatever you're hiding.