Self Balancing Gyroscope on Two Inline Wheels

by JimRD in Circuits > Robots

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Self Balancing Gyroscope on Two Inline Wheels

Self Balancing Gyroscopic Two Wheeler.jpg

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Warning: cd rotors are very dangerous, mine was cracked and exp

loded. If you must build one, wear safety glasses or you may end up blind.
This video shows how I got a two wheel model to balance using a home made gyroscope from a toy motor and 4 stacked cds for the rotor. There is a little trick to doing this that I talk about in the video. Hope others will make one too and improve on it.

I know this has been done many times before but I couldn't find the details on how to do.

I also tried attaching two parallel wheels but it just wants to spin in a circle and when I try to move it in the direction of the wheels it falls over easily unless I push very slowly. I suppose motorized wheels will work but without some active dynamic balancing mechanism it would be pretty susceptible to falling.