Shark Head Hat
Aahhh! A shark is eating my head! Here is a quick and easy way to create a fun hat!
-Light blue cardboard
-Red cardboard
-White cardboard
-Black cardboard
-Red cardboard
-White cardboard
-Black cardboard
To create the shark's head, create a cone with blue cardboard, the base of which is the circumference of the head of the wearer.
To create the mouth, draw and cut a crescent Moon from the red cardboard
For the teeth, cut out triangles from white cardboard and stick them on the upper arch of the red crescent
Glue the Mouth
Glue the mouth onto the blue cone.
To make the eyes, cut two half circles from the black cardboard and glue them to the sides of the cone, so that they are protruding.
Now you just have to wear your new, funny hat :)