Showing a Gmae I Made,code`s

by Student Rover Challenge Korea in Craft > Digital Graphics

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Showing a Gmae I Made,code`s

화면 캡처 2024-06-09 140125.png

hi im choi hoyeon i made animations and games this is a game you control a delivery drone to deliver drinks

you can play on entry



1 Arduino Uno

5 jumper cables

1 joystick module

Makeing the Background

화면 캡처 2024-06-09 141519.png

I made the background and divide it in to 6 parts the part`s are the floor,the space,cloud`s,a Aurora and the sun.

the reson i made the background in to 6 part is because the speed of the the floor,cloud`s,the Aurora and the sun is different

the sun`s code

import Entry

import Arduino

각도 = 0

체력 = 20

모SHIP = 0

기록 = 0

def when_start_scene():

  while True:



import Entry

import Arduino

the Aurora`s code

각도 = 0

체력 = 20

모SHIP = 0

기록 = 0

def when_start_scene():

  while True:


    Entry.wait_for_sec(random.randint(6, 7))

def when_make_clone():

  while not Entry.is_touched("edge_left"):


  for i in range(1800):



cloud1`s code

import Entry

import Arduino

각도 = 0

체력 = 20

모SHIP = 0

기록 = 0

def when_start_scene():

  while True:


    Entry.wait_for_sec(random.randint(8, 9))

def when_start():


def when_make_clone():

  while not Entry.is_touched("edge_left"):


  for i in range(465):



cloud2`s code

import Entry

import Arduino

각도 = 0

체력 = 20

모SHIP = 0

기록 = 0

def when_make_clone():

  while not Entry.is_touched("edge_left"):


  for i in range(921):



def when_start_scene():

  while True:


    Entry.wait_for_sec(random.randint(11, 13))

the floor`s code

import Entry

import Arduino

각도 = 0

체력 = 20

모SHIP = 0

기록 = 0

def when_start_scene():

  while True:



Makeing the Delivery Drone,Enemies,Healing Item,the Drink

화면 캡처 2024-06-09 143932.png
화면 캡처 2024-06-09 143923.png
화면 캡처 2024-06-09 143912.png

The player is a Delivery Drone he can shoot the drink`s but when it shoot`s he lose some HP

The enemies robots is obstacle`s for the Drone have to doge or shoot the robots

The healing item`s are fruit basket`s it heal`s 1 health

the Delivery Drone`s code

import Entry

import Arduino

각도 = 0

체력 = 20

모SHIP = 0

기록 = 0

def when_start_scene():

  while True:

    if (Arduino.sensor_value("A1") < 10):


    if (Arduino.sensor_value("A1") > 1000):


    if ((Arduino.sensor_value("A1") < 10) and Entry.is_touched("edge_up")):


    if ((Arduino.sensor_value("A1") > 1000) and Entry.is_touched("edge_down")):


def when_start_scene():

  while True:

    if Entry.is_touched("새 오브젝트3"):

      체력 += -1

      Entry.play_sound("만화 같은 충돌1") <ㅡ(a sound)

      Entry.set_effect("transparency", 50)



      Entry.set_effect("transparency", 50)



      Entry.set_effect("color", 15)








      Entry.set_effect("transparency", 0)

def when_start_scene():

  while True:



def when_start_scene():

  while True:

    if (0.01 > 체력):


    if (20 < 체력):

      체력 = 20

def when_start_scene():

  while True:

    if (Arduino.sensor_value("A3") > 1000):


the Enemie`s code

import Entry

import Arduino

각도 = 0

체력 = 20

모SHIP = 0

기록 = 0


def when_start_scene():

  while True:


    Entry.wait_for_sec(random.randint(0.6, 0.7))

def when_make_clone():

  Entry.set_size(random.randint(60, 65.7))

  Entry.add_y(random.randint(100, -100))

  while True:

    Entry.add_x(random.randint(-4, -6))

def when_make_clone():

  while True:

    if Entry.is_touched("새 오브젝트2"):

      체력 += 0.01








      while not Entry.is_touched("edge_right"):





the healing item`s code

import Entry

import Arduino

각도 = 0

체력 = 20

모SHIP = 0

기록 = 0

def when_start_scene():

  while True:

    Entry.wait_for_sec(random.randint(4.9, 5))


def when_make_clone():


  Entry.wait_for_sec(random.randint(2.5, 3))


  Entry.add_y(random.randint(100, -100))

  while not Entry.is_touched("edge_left"):



  for i in range(6):




def when_make_clone():

  while True:

    if Entry.is_touched("새 오브젝트1"):

      체력 += 1



def when_start_scene():

  while True:


    기록 += 1

the drink`s code

import Entry

import Arduino

각도 = 0

체력 = 20

모SHIP = 0

기록 = 0

def when_start_scene():


  while True:

    Entry.move_to("새 오브젝트1")

def when_get_signal("d"):

  체력 += -0.01


def when_make_clone():

  while not Entry.is_touched("edge_right"):


  for i in range(10):



Makeing the Helth and a Distance Check System

화면 캡처 2024-06-09 150328.png
화면 캡처 2024-06-09 150310.png

the helth`s code

import Entry

import Arduino

각도 = 0

체력 = 20

모SHIP = 0

기록 = 0

def when_start_scene():

  while True:

    if Entry.is_touched("새 오브젝트1"):

      Entry.set_effect("transparency", 50)


      Entry.set_effect("transparency", 0)

def when_start_scene():

  while True:

    if (체력 == 20):


    if ((체력 < 20) and (체력 >= 19)):


    if ((체력 < 19) and (체력 >= 18)):


    if ((체력 < 18) and (체력 >= 17)):


    if ((체력 < 17) and (체력 >= 16)):


    if ((체력 < 16) and (체력 >= 15)):


    if ((체력 < 15) and (체력 >= 14)):


    if ((체력 < 14) and (체력 >= 13)):


    if ((체력 < 13) and (체력 >= 12)):


    if ((체력 < 12) and (체력 >= 11)):


    if ((체력 < 11) and (체력 >= 10)):


    if ((체력 < 10) and (체력 >= 9)):


    if ((체력 < 9) and (체력 >= 8)):


    if ((체력 < 8) and (체력 >= 7)):


    if ((체력 < 7) and (체력 >= 6)):


    if ((체력 < 6) and (체력 >= 5)):


    if ((체력 < 5) and (체력 >= 4)):


    if ((체력 < 4) and (체력 >= 3)):


    if ((체력 < 3) and (체력 >= 2)):


    if ((체력 < 2) and (체력 >= 1)):


the  Distance Check System`s code


import Entry

import Arduino

각도 = 0

체력 = 20

모SHIP = 0

기록 = 0

def when_start_scene():

  while True:

    if Entry.is_touched("새 오브젝트1"):

      Entry.set_effect("transparency", 50)


      Entry.set_effect("transparency", 0)


import Entry

import Arduino

각도 = 0

체력 = 20

모SHIP = 0

기록 = 0

def when_start_scene():

  Entry.set_xy_for_sec(140, -106, 100)


Makeing the Game Over Sceen

화면 캡처 2024-06-09 151331.png

the reson i`m makeing this is becuse you nead to know how far you got

the score`s code

import Entry

import Arduino

각도 = 0

체력 = 20

모SHIP = 0

기록 = 0

def when_start_scene():

  while True:

    Entry.write_text(("도착까지의 거리" + (100 - 기록)))

Makeing the Ending,final Score

화면 캡처 2024-06-09 151633.png
화면 캡처 2024-06-09 151620.png

the ending is the drone finding the people and the showing the final score

if you have 1~5helth F

if you have 6~10helth D

if you have 11~15helth C

if you have 16,17helth B

if you have 18,19helth A

if you have full helth S

the ending code is


import Entry

import Arduino

각도 = 0

체력 = 20

모SHIP = 0

기록 = 0

def when_start_scene():

  for i in range(57):





def when_start():


def when_start_scene():


  Entry.set_xy_for_sec(0, 0, 2)








  while True:



    Entry.change_shape("새 그림")



import Entry

import Arduino

각도 = 0

체력 = 20

모SHIP = 0

기록 = 0

def when_start_scene():






import Entry

import Arduino

각도 = 0

체력 = 20

모SHIP = 0

기록 = 0

def when_start_scene():




the score code is

import Entry

import Arduino

각도 = 0

체력 = 20

모SHIP = 0

기록 = 0

def when_get_signal("ㅋ"):

def when_start_scene():


  while True:

    if (체력 <= 5):


    if ((체력 > 5) and (체력 <= 10)):


    if ((체력 > 10) and (체력 <= 15)):


    if ((체력 > 15) and (체력 <= 17)):


    if ((체력 > 17) and (체력 <= 19)):


    if (체력 == 20):
