Side Seam Pockets

by we-ve got pockets in Craft > Sewing

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Side Seam Pockets

introduction 16.png

As a girl there are a lot of clothing items that have no pockets; and it is so frustrating! Sometimes you just got to put some in. This is a way to put side pockets into items with side seams. This method will not work with some items!


  • Paper
  • Skirt
  • Cloth
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Pins
  • Seam ripper
  • Sewing Machine
  • Thread

step 1.png

Turn item inside out and mark with a pencil or dressmakers chalk at a good height down from the waist. If you need to put your one hand down like you would into a pocket and mark a little above the arm where it crosses the seam.

Step 2.png

Take your hand and put it just below the mark. Make another mark about a couple inches below the width of your hand.

Step 3.png

Fold garment in half line up the seams starting at the waist and make matching marks on opposite side.

Stwp 4.png

Reinforce the stitching at the marks

step 5.png

Copy the marks onto a piece of paper and add a marks for a seam allowance

step 6.png

Carefully rip the seams between the top and bottom marks on both sides.

You may need to trim some of the excess fraying threads.

Step 7.png

Take the paper with marks and draw a good sized pocket making sure that it is wide enough to get your hand in and deep enough to hold things. If you want to be able to put your phone in it you may put your phone down and draw around it. REMEMBER SEAM ALLOWANCES! Unless you have very large paper you may need to tape two pieces together.

Step 8.5.png
Step 8.png

Cut this out and use it to cut 4 pocket pieces

Step 9.png

Take two of the pieces and match them up and pin together

Step 10.png

Carefully slide inside the garment.(the garment is still suppose to be inside out)

Step 11.png

Still carefully line up the edge of one side of the pocket with the touching edge of the garment. Pin together. The top and bottom should have a little folded over for seam allowance.

Step 12.png
Step 12.5.png

Turn garment over and put your hand inside and flatten pocket and at the top match up the second half of the pocket and pin it together.

Step 13.png

Take out pins holding the pocket together and sew up each side on the old seam line.

Step 14.png
Step 14.5.png

Pull pocket pieces through, then pin and sew around the pocket starting and finishing at the marks

Step 14.75.png

Repeat on other pocket steps 9-14

Step 16.png
introduction 16.png

Trim threads

Hooray Pockets !!!!!