Simple Cardboard House

This Instructable will be teaching a step-by-step tutorial on how to make a simple cardboard house.
A hot glue gun, cardboard, scissors, pen, and a ruler will be needed.
Get Supplies Out in Front of You.

I would recommend you to Get all the needed supplies out in front of you for the cardboard house.
6 Things to Cut Out

cut out 4 walls for the house, one roof, and one 8 by 9-inch ground for the house to rest on. each wall plus the roof should be 5 inches wide and 5 inches tall.
Get to Building

start by laying down the 9 by 8-inch cardboard ground flat down.
Plug Hot Glue Gun In

get your hot glue ready.
Hot Glue Walls

start with one wall, put glue on the bottom and sides, and stick to 9 by 8-inch ground. do this for every wall
Glue Roof On
put hot glue on the perimeter of the roof.
Draw Details.

this step makes the house look like a house and not a useless cube. after this your done.