Simple DIY Dog Toy

I love playing with my dogs so I decided to make a dog toy for them! I came across a few ideas until I found one that they liked best.
And the best part is, it's super easy to make! All you need is scissors and some yarn.
So get ready to make something cool that your dog will love!

- Scissors
- Lion Brand Hometown Yarn - Super Bulky, 6
Cut and Knot the Yarn

Cut three strands of yarn to about 17 inches.
Then knot one end of the strings together in a basic knot.
Braid the Yarn

Braid the yarn together leaving an inch or two not braided at the other end.
Tie the End

Knot the other end and trim the three strands of yarn sticking out on either side to the same size.

You just made a dog toy!