Simple Fire Starter

This is my first ible. I decided to try something simple. Thanks
Gather Materials

Dryer lint
Plain hand sanitizer
Ziplock bag
Collect your lint the next time you dry cloths and store it in a ziplock bag. Squirt the hand sanitizer into the bag and saturate lint.
Plain hand sanitizer
Ziplock bag
Collect your lint the next time you dry cloths and store it in a ziplock bag. Squirt the hand sanitizer into the bag and saturate lint.
Place Wood

Place wood in a teepee fashion.
Smaller wood on bottom like pin to pencil size stick up to arm size logs.
Place starter in middle of bottom of stack.
Smaller wood on bottom like pin to pencil size stick up to arm size logs.
Place starter in middle of bottom of stack.

Light the starter and stoke the fire

Sit back and enjoy the heat the ambiance or whatever you enjoy about a fire.