Simple Origami Heart

Hey momoluvers! It's momo and today I'll be showing y'all how to make this really cute heart out if paper! I hope you enjoy! And remember to check out the end of this instructable for momo's shoutout Sunday!

Scissors and paper!

Cut a small strip out of the paper
Adjust the Size

To make the strip the proper size, fold it so the edges meet like so...
What It Should Look Like

When you open it up, it should look something like this
Pinch* ...ouch!

Take the ends on the sides and pinch them inwards. Lay it flat and crease it. Do the same to the other.
When you open it, it should look like this.
When you open it, it should look like this.
Then Like This...!

Now when you fold both edges back in, it'll look like this
Fold Upwards

Take the little flaps and fold them to the crease

Lift the flap up a little and open it. Then flatten it down so that it makes a square

Take the edge again and fold it towards the crease
Last Fold

Now take the flap and flatten it down like you did with the square
Final Folds

Take the upper most flap and file it downwards. Now take the side corners, and fold them inwards slightly

And that's it! I hope y'all enjoyed this tutorial and if you haven't already follow me, become a member if the farm family and give a a cow it's wings!!! Love y'all •_£

Okay so if your familiar with my page, you should know that I give shoutouts to three of my followers every Sunday! But I'm disappointed to say that I have only one new, active user! I need more followers to give SHOUTOUTS to! Anyways, here is the follower that gets a shoutout!
" redneck4263 " made this cool tutorial for lip stick! I have personally made this crafts several times and I can say it really works! This user is just starting out so let's get them more followers!
YOU too can be a part of momo's shoutout Sunday! You only need to make sure your page has two things:
1~ you need to be following me
2~ you need to be an active user (meaning your most recent instructable has to be made at most a month ago)
" redneck4263 " made this cool tutorial for lip stick! I have personally made this crafts several times and I can say it really works! This user is just starting out so let's get them more followers!
YOU too can be a part of momo's shoutout Sunday! You only need to make sure your page has two things:
1~ you need to be following me
2~ you need to be an active user (meaning your most recent instructable has to be made at most a month ago)