Simple Stand for Camera

For a good video and photo, you need a stable and reliable stand. In this lesson I want to show how to make a simple and affordable stand for filming

- Sheet chipboard
- Metal corners
- Screws
- Camera mounts
- And tools
Production of Parts

To begin with, I cut out two sheets of an isosceles triangle (equal sides of which are 13.5 cm) and cut out a small triangle on one of the vertices (side dimensions of 1.5 cm). After that, I cut out a rectangle(12x16 cm)
Production of Parts

Then I cut a corner into two parts and drilled holes in them, as in the photo. Also need to make a hole in the previously cut rectangle

We collect everything as shown in the photo
Mounting Under the Camera

On the bolt fixing the camera you need to wear a few washers. Then insert into the hole and from the other side put the pad on the camera
Shelf Mounting

We need to twist our design to the shelf

It's all. Have a good video and photo