Simple USB Socket Charger!

Most of us have iPods or cameras. This is instructable will show you How to make a wall adapter for them. Normally it would cost $30 at the Apple store but I had all the components in my spare parts bin. For me it was free! IF YOU SOMEHOW MESS UP WHILE BUILDING THIS AND
SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS TO YOUR USB DEVICE, I AM NOT TO BLAME... Just had to say that. Oh, and watch the video too!
SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS TO YOUR USB DEVICE, I AM NOT TO BLAME... Just had to say that. Oh, and watch the video too!

Okay This is really simple, Here is a list of all the Parts that you need:
(1) Breadboard (this is just for prototyping, you can solder this all on a circuit board.)
(1) 5v wall adapter (I got mine as an old cellphone charger)
(1)Female Type A USB Socket
(2) 100k ohm Resitors (Brown Black Yellow)
(2) Jumper Wires (Solid core works best)
(6)Pin headers
(1)3mm LED (Indicator LED)
(1) 10k ohm Resistor(for the LED)
(1) Breadboard (this is just for prototyping, you can solder this all on a circuit board.)
(1) 5v wall adapter (I got mine as an old cellphone charger)
(1)Female Type A USB Socket
(2) 100k ohm Resitors (Brown Black Yellow)
(2) Jumper Wires (Solid core works best)
(6)Pin headers
(1)3mm LED (Indicator LED)
(1) 10k ohm Resistor(for the LED)

If you know how to read a schematic, here it is. I won't go over how to read them since there are many great tutorials on how this is done. I've documented this well enough that you don't need to be able to read them. So if you don't, just skip this step and keep reading!
Putting It All Together (Power)

Okay I'm going to do this on a breadboard for simplicity but of course you can solder it all together. My instructions here may differ from those on my video. Breadboards have Numbers and Letters on them like a graph, I will use this to tell you where everything goes.
I soldered pin headers to the ends of my USB and my 5v phone charger.
Take the -5v from your phone charger and plug it into J4
Take the +5v and plug into J2
I soldered pin headers to the ends of my USB and my 5v phone charger.
Take the -5v from your phone charger and plug it into J4
Take the +5v and plug into J2
Indicator LED

I soldered my 10k ohm resistor directly onto the LED.
The negative end (usually marked by a flat spot on the side) into I4
Plug the positive side into I2
The negative end (usually marked by a flat spot on the side) into I4
Plug the positive side into I2

Okay, Jumper wires allow electricity to flow or "jump" to other parts on the breadboard.
Take one of your jumper wires and connect it between F4 and E4
Then take your other jumper and use it to connect it to H2 and B1
Take one of your jumper wires and connect it between F4 and E4
Then take your other jumper and use it to connect it to H2 and B1

Okay The 100k (Brown Black Yellow) ohm resistors are for the data lines. They tell the USB Device that it is okay to draw power from this source. You MUST use 100k resistors for iPods. If you aren't using this for an iPod you can probably omit this step.
Connect on from F2 to D2
Connect the other from G2 to D3
Connect on from F2 to D2
Connect the other from G2 to D3

I soldered pin Headers to my usb port.
Plug the USB to the other Side of the breadboard It should take up A1, A2, A3, and A4.
Make sure that the USB Jack faces outward just like in the picture. Otherwise you may damage your USB Device.
Plug the USB to the other Side of the breadboard It should take up A1, A2, A3, and A4.
Make sure that the USB Jack faces outward just like in the picture. Otherwise you may damage your USB Device.
All Together!

This is how it should look like when all the components are placed. The iPod is charging!