Simple Wallpaper Using Photography and Layer Blending - Photoshop Tutorial

by HotPinkBulb in Circuits > Cameras

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Simple Wallpaper Using Photography and Layer Blending - Photoshop Tutorial

Picture 1.png
Make a Visually stunning Wallpaper using a simple technique inside photoshop.

Anyone can make a wallpaper this good, and its alot easier than you might think!

So, first things first go to-
  • File > New
Set your width and height to pixels, and set to the same size as your screen, Your resolution will be fine at 72 pixels/cm

Set the colour mode to 'RGB', and the Back ground to 'Transparent'

  • Click ok

Adjust It!

Picture 15.png
Picture 2.png
Picture 3.png
Picture 7.png
Picture 4.png
Now we need to get our chosen photo into the new document.

  • Open up the photo in photoshop
  • Select the Move tool
  • Drag the picture across into the new document window

You should see the picture sat there - Depending on your camera, you will most likely find that the picture is way too big.

Zoom out by pressing Command -
(CTRL - in windows)

  • Edit > Free Transform

Using the Handles adjust the image till it just fits the document.

Creating Layers

Picture 5.png
Picture 6.png
In your layer pallette, you should see two layers, one black, one with your image.

  • Drag your image layer down to the 'new layer' icon to make a copy.

Again, in the layer pallete, you should see a little drop down box reading 'normal'

  • Make sure your on the top layer, Click on this box, and you should see a wide range of names (actually called blending modes), click and play around till you get an effect that looks good to you.

I went for the overlay blending mode, but later changed my mind and chose the Pin light.

More Free Transform

Picture 8.png
Picture 9.png
Picture 11.png
Picture 10.png
Make sure you have the top layer selected.

  • Edit > Free transform

Now, grab the top layer and Enlarge the image towards one corner.

At this point, i then made a 3rd layer, and made this larger again, don't forget to choose a blending mode!

I went with Pin Light again.

Add a Bit of Text

Picture 15.png
Picture 17.png
Picture 10.png
Picture 18.png
A good final addition is to add a little bit of text.

Select your text tool, and type in what ever you fancy - Due to my reputation in the chatroom, i decided to go with 'Gmjhowe - Destroyer of Worlds'

Once you have your text,
  • click on the little arrow in the layer palette, and select 'Rasterize type'
  • select a layer blending mode

Now select the move tool, and place the text where you think would look best.

Save It!

  • Save the file as a .jpg or .tif file
  • set it as your desktop background in your OS settings.

Completion, that wasn't too hard was it?

Now experiment, and play around, create new amazing things.

Heres a pic of my final thing!